A Dish Best Served Rolled

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Licking your lips, you thank the server as your order is placed in front of you.
"Finally," Dominik says excitedly, rubbing his hands together.
"What did you get?" you ask him, curious.
"Chicken tenders," everyone except you and JD says in unison, surprising the two of you, who look at each other awkwardly.
"They're the only thing he eats when we go out," Rhea sighs, looking at Dom with an amused smile as he digs in. Grinning at your metamour, you start on your own dish. A contented silence falls over the table, occasionally broken by the clinking of silverware, as everyone enjoys their food and drinks. Dominik finishes eating first, looking extremely satisfied.

"You ate that way too fast," you tell him, not even halfway through your own meal, "How do you not have a stomach ache?"
"Years of practice," Dom replies, looking very pleased with himself.
"Yeah: practicing smiling through your stomach aches," Rhea says, making him grin sheepishly.
Damian finishes his plate next, hurriedly chugging his water and wiping his mouth before standing and addressing Rhea.
"Need anything from the car?" he asked her, taking the keys out of his pocket.
"My messenger bag?" she requests, smiling as Damian nods and saunters over to the rental, his walk leisurely despite the hurried pace in which he finished eating.

Finn sighs, watching Damian walk away. JD claps a hand on Finn's shoulder, gently but firmly. A smile makes its way onto his face briefly before he notices you watching, quickly shrugging off JD's hand and clearing his throat. JD looks a bit hurt, but says nothing. You feel bad for having watched the two upon seeing JD's puppy-dog eyes, thinking of a time when you had been in a similar situation. Turning instead to look at your girlfriend, you take another bite of your food as Rhea wipes a few crumbs off Dominik's face and kisses his cheek before letting him finish his soda. You had never expected to feel so happy watching the woman you loved being sweet and affectionate with the man she loved, but you supposed what mattered most to you was that you were also important to her, and that she was happy.

"What is it, beautiful?" Rhea asks, noticing the pause in your eating as you look at her and Dominik.
"You guys are just so cute!" you say, smiling harder when Rhea poses and Dom blushes slightly.
"You should date us or something," Rhea jokes, grinning.
"Us?" you and Dominik asked in unison, confused.
"Too much?" she asks after giggling furiously at your reactions. You nod, but Dom seems to be considering it, nodding along with you once he sees you don't seem to be interested. Rhea laughs harder and you can't help but smile at the lovely sound.

"What's so funny?" Damian asks, walking up with Rhea's bag.
"Only two of the three of 'em want to form a triad," JD McDonagh replied, surprising everyone and making Dominik blush and look away, embarrassed.
Acting like he hadn't heard anything, Damian handed Rhea her bag, ignoring the look she gave him that seemed to say "don't be rude!"
"Hey, chica," Damian said, tapping your shoulder and looking around before slyly pulling a blunt out of his pocket, "Quieres?"
"You already know me so well," you reply, returning Damians mischievous smile before looking over at Rhea.
"If he's smoking, it means I'm the one driving us to the next location," she says, shaking her head as she plugs her phone into a portable charging block from her bag, "But you enjoy, love."
Taking one last sip of your beverage, you stand up and kiss Rhea before offering your car as the location for your smoke session with Damian and leading the way.

Feeling the vibration of your phone, you pull it out, expecting to see a text from Rhea. Instead, your phone reads: Text from: Liv Morgan. "Checking to make sure you're still alive! If I don't hear from you I might be legally required to tell WWE" The text ends with an emoji with its tongue sticking out.
Sighing, you quickly message back: "Not dead, all good!" before you and Damian reach your car and you unlock it. Getting in the driver's seat, you pull your sunshade off the floor in the back and prop it up against your windshield with the sun visors before Damian slides into the seat next to you. Just as Damian pulls out the blunt again, your phone buzzes. Opening the compartment underneath the radio, you pull out a lighter you kept there, offering it to Damian and ignoring your phone.
"Better check that and make sure it's not Rhea," Damian says, taking the lighter from you, "Our Eradicator makes it look like nothing phases her too much, but she's head over heels for you, chica."
Nodding, you check your phone as Damian brings the blunt to his lips and lights it.
Text from: Liv Morgan. "Glad you're not dead! You're way too cute to die" The message ended with a winking emoji and you felt your face getting warm.

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