Five Is Company

546 26 1

"Time to wake up, beautiful."
The words float toward you, gently trying to pull you from the comfort of rest.
"Five more minutes," you groan with the effort it takes to speak.
"I already gave you five more minutes."
"You did not," you protest.
"Babe, I love you," Rhea sighed as you felt her shift on the bed, "but you keep falling asleep and I promise you will forgive me for this."
"What do you-" you squeal as her fingers find your sides, trying to push Rhea off you and wriggle away at the same time.
"Are you awake yet?" she laughs, giving you one last tickle before letting you catch your breath.

"You're so mean," you say, panting and taking in the morning light, "I feel like I hardly slept."
"We did get a bit busy with other things, but you didn't seem to mind," she ran her hand along the scratches at your lower back, "I got a lot of good marks on you last night - should remind you and everyone who sees them that you're mine for quite some time."
Feeling your face grow warm, you bury your face in the sheets for a few seconds before peeking your head out again, meeting Rhea's gaze.
"Anyway," she continued, watching you stretch and start moving over to your closet, "I wanted to take you and the guys out for a meal before we have to start heading to the next location."

"That sounds good to me," you yawn and rub your eyes before unceremoniously removing the clothes you slept in, "So am I driving you to the hotel or the meal spot?"
"I'll text Dom and have him bring my stuff," Rhea says, sounding distracted. Turning around, you find her staring at you hungrily and chuckle, "We don't have time for that!"
"A girl can dream," she responds, biting her lip before grabbing her phone and tapping at the screen as you continue changing.

A short while later, you pull up the car to what looks like a biker bar with outdoor seating. Already at opposite ends of a large table, partially sheltered from the sun by the building's shadow, were Damian and Dominik facing Finn and a man you were unfamiliar with. Damian seemed to be seething silently, looking up occasionally to glare at the stranger. Finn, on the other hand, was the most at ease you had seen him yet and didn't seem to want to stop talking to the unfamiliar man.

"Do I need to worry about things being thrown between those two at this meal?" you ask Rhea as the two of you walk over to the group and catch their attention.
"Finn and Damian?" she seemed to have been sizing up the situation as well, "I don't think Finn will risk it in front of his... friend?" you gave each other an understanding smile - Finn may have bet against Rhea's coming out for a reason.
Damian's entire demeanor changed as soon as he saw you and Rhea walking up - his scowl broke into a grin and he gave a provocative whistle at the two of you.

"Priest!" Rhea scolded, instinctively putting an arm around you.
"How else am I supposed to react to what you've done to this poor chica?" he asks, gesturing to the hickies all over your neck and peeking out from the bottom of your shorts. You adjust your shirt to make sure it's covering the scratches on your back, which also doesn't escape his notice. The blood rushes to your face as your body is now under the scrutiny of everyone at the table - all of them thinking of how Rhea had left those marks. Dominik had a knowing smile that also seemed to say he was happy for you, Finn couldn't stop wiggling his eyebrows, and Finn's friend...

"Enough about my girlfriend," Rhea says, turning to Finn, "Have you finally brought a boy home to meet your family and turn you into an honest man?" - she nodded at the man sitting next to him.
"This is an old friend of mine, J.D. McDonagh," Finn says, flatly ignoring Rhea's gentle ribbing, "I wanted to introduce him to the Judgment Day-"
"When he wasn't even invited," Damian interrupted, scoffing, "When he isn't even part of the Judgment Day!"
"Oh and Rhea's girlfriend is?" Finn shot back, immediately looking over at you and apologizing, "Sorry, I just don't see how this is an exclusive meal, y'know?"
"Look, everyone who is here is here," Rhea said, keeping an even tone, "We're going to sit down and enjoy a meal together. There will be no in-fighting and no throwing of food. Got it?" - she looked around the table as everyone nodded their heads - "Good. Now let's order."

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