In The Hot Box

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"Rhea sent you a dirty text, didn't she?" Damian smiles when he sees you looking flustered, exhaling a cloud of thick smoke before passing you the blunt.
"Not a dirty text, and it, uh, wasn't her," you reply, taking the blunt and inhaling hard. Damian raises an eyebrow.
"Someone else caught your eye?" he asks carefully, seeming unsure exactly how to react in light of this new information.
"Not really?" you say, exhaling and passing the blunt back, "I mean, she's nice and she's pretty, but compared to Rhea..." There was no comparison. Even Rhea's name rightly identified her as a goddess, and the chemistry between the two of you was like nothing else you had ever experienced.
"Is she pushing up on you?" Damian asked after a long drag.

The car was beginning to fill with smoke, made evident by the foggy line where most of it seemed to want to settle, highlighted by the sunlight filtering in behind you. Damian tapped the ash off the end of the blunt and onto an already-ashy part of your center console before licking his thumb and passing it along the side of the blunt that seemed to be burning faster before handing it to you.
"She's not not pushing up on me," you admit, taking a short puff before amending your statement with, "But I'm not interested. If she tries to make a move I'm shutting her down."

You take another quick hit before passing back the blunt, coughing a bit before asking Damian, "What about you? Anyone caught your eye?"
His face fell a bit at the question, looking away, taking a hit, and coughing before replying, "No one new" with melancholy in his voice.
"But someone?" you ask, watching him look out the window in the direction of the rest of the Judgment Day with longing in his eyes after handing back the blunt.
"Querer y tener son bastante diferentes," was all he said as you took another hit, deciding not to press him further.
Instead, you let your hit out as smoke rings, aiming them at Damian to lighten the mood. After a few, he notices and cracks a grin, moving dramatically like he's trying to fight them off and making you giggle. Flicking away the ash that had accumulated on the end of the blunt, you note there's only about a third left.

"Poor thing isn't long for this world," you say, passing it to Damian, "Did you want to save the rest?"
"Tapping out already?" he asks, taking a long drag as he gives you a smirk, "Thought Rhea said you were a stoner."
"I was just trying to be respectful of your supply!" you say defensively, "I can still smoke more!"
"En realidad?" Damian teases, bringing the blunt back up to his lips, "Because I can finish it all-"
"Puff puff pass," you huff, holding out your hand pointedly.
Damian smiles a bit wider before finally holding out the bud, laughing when you quickly snatch it from his hand. The moment you start inhaling, your phone buzzes again and you roll your eyes before opening your phone to tell Liv not to expect anything.

The name at the top of the screen makes you pause: "Mami". Blushing at the embarrassment of what might have happened had you not checked, you read the message before blushing harder: "Spending a lot of time in your car with the Archer of Infamy. If you let him knock his arrow on your bow without permission, Mami's going to have to punish you"
"That one was Rhea, wasn't it?" Damian asked after you bit your lip, "I'm telling her that you rolled your eyes."
"No no no, wait!" you lunge to hit the lock button for the passenger-side door when he moves to open it, "Please don't tell her that."
"Relax, chica!" he laughed, taking the blunt back, "I'm just messing around. What'd she say?"
"She, uh," you fumble a bit with your words, closing and hiding your phone, "she s-says we've, uh, been in here for a while..."
"That's all?" Damian asks before taking a hit, one eyebrow raised in suspicion.
"There may have been some... innuendo," you admit, no longer trying to maintain eye contact.
"She wants you to give Dom a chance?" he asked, a tone of understanding in his voice that made you think she may have mentioned something to him.
"None of your business," you say, snatching the last of the blunt from his hand and inhaling until the dryness of the smoke told you that you'd started burning the filter instead, making you let out the entire hit in a few sharp coughs, "Now let's get back to the group."

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