Watch Yourself

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"You did so good for Mami, beautiful," Rhea praised you, ending the recording before setting her phone down on the bed, "Now let me bring in the fucking machine so you can watch yourself on video."
Watching her tumble off the bed and disappear through the doorway, you wiped your chin and righted your collar - the one Rhea had given you the last time she was in town - before sitting up on the bed and noticing the wet spot seeping through your panties had soaked through to the sheet you had been lying down on. As quickly as she had left the room, Rhea returned, fucking machine under one arm and your chosen attachment in her opposite hand.
"Down on all fours, princess," she told you, setting the fucking machine on the ground before plucking a towel from a pile of clean laundry and laying it down in front of the machine.

Once you had set your hands and knees down on the towel, Rhea began setting up the machine. The fact that you were facing away from it meant you could only listen eagerly, biting your lip. The sudden pressure of a hand rubbing against your panties made you let out a moan and arch your back so you could lean into the feeling - which immediately earned you a hard spank. The cry you let escape was out of surprise more than pain, but your ass still stung for a bit afterwards.
"Stay right where you are, slut," Rhea ordered, setting her phone down on the carpeted floor in front of you, "All you need to do is stay still and watch yourself from Mami's perspective while she stretches you out" - she tapped the screen to start the video - "See how pretty you are, darling?"

"Keep going," Rhea's voice sighed from the phone as you watched yourself - underneath your girlfriend, between her legs, mouth working on her clit - look up at the camera, then away quickly in embarrassment, "Aww, don't get camera shy on me now, beautiful."
One of Rhea's tattooed, well-manicured hands slowly came into frame in the video as those same hands now pulled your panties down to your knees. You watched Rhea grip your hair as you started picking up a slightly faster rhythm with your tongue, making her moan.

The sound of your domme spitting behind you was confusing at first, until you felt her teasing her wet fingers into you gently. The sensation made your breathing uneven and for a moment, you closed your eyes to savor it. Another rough slap hit your bare ass and made you jump a bit.
"Keep your eyes open, princess," Rhea ordered, also audible praising you in the video, "And don't shut them until you've watched all of it."
"This is where you belong," her voice told you from the phone, sending chills up your spine even now.

"Yes, Mami," you breathed, watching yourself look directly into the camera in response to being pulled away by your hair. Hearing yourself whine on the recording - not even bothering to put your tongue back in or close your mouth - made you bite your lip and you had to stop yourself from looking away from the phone in embarrassment.
This time, Rhea's spit lands directly around her fingers - making you gasp a bit - before she slides another finger inside and you moan.

Realizing just how difficult it was to keep your eyes open when you felt this good, you did your best to focus on the video as her fingers thrusted in and out of you.
"You know what Mami needs to hear if you want to keep going," Rhea teased on the recording. You did your best not to moan loader than the audio; even though it had just happened, Rhea's voice in any capacity had a hold on you like nothing else.
"I'm yours, Mami," you told her, "All yours."
"Damn right you are," she growled before letting you press your mouth against her again. Watching yourself eagerly going down on Rhea brought forth the taste that still lingered on your tongue, sweet and intoxicating.
"I think you're ready for the fucking machine, pretty baby," Rhea told you, curling her fingers inside you and chuckling at the noises you made before leaving you empty, "But don't you dare stop watching once I turn it on."

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