Getting Two Birds Stoned At Once

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Once you were inside your apartment, you went to go get drinks from the fridge while Rhea set up the food in front of the couch. You put the drinks on the table, setting up something for the two of you to watch before sitting down next to the woman who seemed to know exactly how to make you smile. Picking up the bong, you remove an ice cube from your drink and drop it down the neck of the piece. Rhea raises a curious eyebrow at the clink of ice hitting glass, looking at the cube held up by three inward spikes several inches above the water.
"It cools down the smoke," you explain, "makes it easier to take a hit without coughing."
She scoffs, "I've barely seen you cough."
"This is still a new piece, and it definitely holds more smoke than my last one. I'm still getting used to it and the last thing I want to do is cough in your face," you light the bowl, inhaling deeply until the bong is filled with thick, white smoke. Pulling out the bowl, you take in the entire contents of the piece as if it were nothing.

Rhea leans forward the second your lips leave the glass, stopping an inch in front of your face. After waiting a beat, you decide to bridge the gap yourself, getting lost in the feeling of your mouth on hers, exhaling. She breathes it in and you try not to look as disappointed as you feel when she pulls away to blow out the smoke. Maybe the kiss was a one-time thing?
"You're right," Rhea says after exhaling, "that was a lot smoother" - she takes a sip of her drink - "Let's keep going."

Two more hits and she starts coughing, refusing another. You decide to show off a bit and let out the last hit as smoke rings, trying to look casual while still sneaking a glance at Rhea. Her eyes are beginning to look glassy as she notices the rings, reaching out to poke a few. A realization seems to hit Rhea as you watch her and she grabs the food, moaning after taking a bite.
"I'm guessing the food truck has the Rhea Ripley seal of approval?" you ask rhetorically.
She nods, eyes closed, savoring every bite. You take another hit before joining her, feeling yourself slowly getting more baked as you dig into your order.

After about half an hour of eating and watching TV, you're both full and content. Rhea had laid down, head in your lap, groaning, "I think I overate" - she burps - "but it was worth it, that shit was delicious."
Gently running your fingers through her dark hair, you feel the time the two of you have left together slipping away. Around midday tomorrow she would be gone, with Dominik, likely continuing the argument they'd been having over the phone and in front of your apartment. Then she would have fights scheduled later that week, which meant traveling. How soon would she forget about you?

"You look worried," Rhea's voice stops your train of thought, "I can handle a little stomach ache, no need to stress."
You shake your head, "I'm fine."
Not seeming entirely convinced, she looks into your eyes for what feels like minutes, but was likely only a few seconds.
"You" - she reached out a hand and tapped the tip of your nose with one finger - "need more weed."
"I-" you start, then feel the muggy weight of melancholy thinking of what it will be like once she leaves, "... am not going to argue."

Rhea sits up, giving you room to reach for the bong and lighter. Noticing the ice has melted, you take a careful hit and clear the piece. Looking at the woman next to you, you raise an eyebrow, wordlessly asking if she wants to join you. Rhea leans forward, hand resting on your thigh this time as she presses her lips against yours, inhaling deeply. Pulling away, you feel the grip tighten on your thigh as Rhea's other hand cups your face, holding you close. Heart pounding loudly, you hold your breath as the hand on your face moves slightly, thumb tracing your lips as Rhea takes in your features.

Before you know it, your face is pulled forward and your lips pressed roughly against Rhea's. Losing yourself in her caress, you savor every sensation; her teeth pinching your lips, her tongue flitting forward to tease yours, hands roaming your body as if she can't resist touching you. With one hand on your waist and the other holding your head in place, fingers gripping your hair, Rhea eventually pulls her face away from yours. Opening your eyes, you see her biting her lip and looking you over before kissing down your neck.
"Am I good to leave hickeys?" her deep, sultry voice right by your ear makes you shiver before you manage a "yes please" and she sinks her teeth into your neck.
Surprising yourself, you moan loudly, gripping the back of Rhea's shirt. The dull ache as she sucked on your neck was punctuated by the sharpness of her bite, painful and pleasurable in equal amounts. The feeling fades for a moment before returning again on the other side, making you let out another moan.
Pulling back after a minute, Rhea admires her handiwork, grinning. Her fingers trace the bruises already blooming on your neck, keeping the grip on your hair steady.
"Gorgeous," she whispers - then, louder, "Want to move this to the bedroom?"

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