Take Charge

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"Oh wow," you breathe, tissue paper surrounding you, a box and a bag at your feet, "Is this-?"
You weren't sure exactly what you were expecting Rhea's present for you to be. Maybe jewelry, or wrestling merch; you could see her getting you a "she's my Mami" shirt and smirking about it. But once you took the tissue paper out of the gift bag, the box inside had no logo, no writing - not a single indication of what you were about to open. There was no need to put a shirt in a box AND a bag, and the volume of the box didn't speak to jewelry. Carefully pulling out the opening flap of the box, you let the objects inside - each in its own cloth drawstring bag - slide out and fall onto the table.

"Because there wasn't enough packaging already?" you mutter, opening the smallest one first: a charging cable. After raising an eyebrow at Rhea, you continue to the next bag: a small remote, no words written on it, and very vague arrow symbols on the buttons. At this point, you were worried the rest of the gift would be one other seemingly random thing you had no idea what to do with. Finally turning your attention to the largest, heaviest bag, you open it and pull out-

"A vibrator?" you blush, holding the oddly-shaped pink toy.
"Not just a vibrator," Rhea insisted, "a remote-controlled vibrator, with thrust options, and" - she pulled out her phone, tapped a few things, and showed you the screen - "I can control it on an app no matter where I am, or where you are."
"Fuck that's hot," you say, making her laugh. Thrust and vibrate? Controlled by Rhea? You ached with want at the possibilities.
"Thought it might help when I'm on the road," she explained, "We can do a video call and I can watch you come under my control."
The thought sent shivers through your body, making you bite your lip.
"Thank you so much, Mami," you say, setting down the items and pulling Rhea's face into a kiss.
"Of course," she smiles, "only the best for my good girl. Now let's let that charge, hm?"
Nodding - turned on and thrilled at being called hers - you plug the charger into an outlet and connect it to the vibrator. A light at the base flashes, letting you know it was charging. It couldn't charge fast enough, you thought to yourself.

As eager as you were to try out the toy, the overall feeling underneath the lust was relief; Rhea still wanted you, even when you were apart. This gift also let you know that whatever the two of you were, it wasn't coming to an end anytime soon. She must care about you to some degree, right?
Placing the box and tissue paper back in the gift bag, you sit back down on the couch.
Looking down the neck of the bong, you see the ice cube hasn't melted much. Then you get an idea.
"You know, now that you can take hits of your own, we could play a game to get us really baked," you suggest.
"You need a game for that?" Rhea joked, "Being a stoner is a lot more work than I thought!"

After sticking your tongue out at her, you continue, "We could play "Never Have I Ever," but with weed instead of drinks."
She considered this for a moment, grimacing for a second at what was no doubt a memory of playing the same game, but with too much alcohol.
"Sure," she finally agreed, "that's got to be better than doing it with drinks. Go ahead and start us off."
You were prepared.
"Never have I ever beat someone up," you look at Rhea pointedly as she gives you a look.
"Too easy!" she protests.
"Hey, if you're worried I'm gonna win..." you tease.
Rhea huffs in a somewhat exaggerated way before taking a hit.
"My turn," she says, exhaling smoke, "Never have I ever... had sex with more than one woman my entire life."

You weren't expecting that one. You were the only woman she'd slept with? None before or since? It was difficult not to feel flattered, not to mention lucky. You take the hit smoothly, a satisfied grin on your face.
"Never have I ever," you continue, "...had my face on a t-shirt."
"Those shirts sell really well!" Rhea said, feigning defensiveness before smiling and taking a hit. She coughed it out, taking a sip of water before she kept going.
"Never have I ever... begged to be allowed to come," she said, the seductive tinge in her voice affecting you immediately.
You could feel the want in your breasts, radiating through your body, longing for her touch as you remembered sitting on the counter with her mouth on you. Her eyes never left you as you took the hit. You glanced over at the flashing light of the vibrator. It couldn't charge anywhere near quickly enough.

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