Toy With Me

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"Finally," Rhea said, pausing the show the two of you had been watching and giving you a small nudge, pointing at the pink toy plugged into the outlet. The light glowed without pause, indicating the battery was at full charge. You bit your lip, suppressing a smile.
"Go wash that, put it inside you, and turn it on," Rhea demanded, her hypnotizing gaze complimenting her commanding tone, "I want you stripped down and sitting on the bed in five minutes."
"Yes, Mami," you can't mask the excitement in your voice. Unplugging the vibrator, you practically skip into the bathroom, washing the silicone toy with soap and water once you get there. The texture was surprisingly soft, you note, running your fingers over what looked like the section that pulled together and apart to create thrust.

Remembering your time limit, you quickly take off what looked to be your second pair of ruined underwear today, judging by the wet spot. You duck into the bedroom, closing the blinds before removing your dress and grabbing the bottle of lube near your bed. Once slick, you gently press the toy against yourself. It enters you easily as you let out a soft moan. The design kept the toy inside you as you walked - hyperaware of each sensation - to grab a towel and throw it on the bed. Sitting down on the absorbent cloth, you gasp slightly as the toy is shoved a bit further inside of you, now pressed against both you and the mattress with very little give. Removing your bra, you stare eagerly at the doorway.

It isn't long before Rhea enters, wearing nothing but fishnets and a corset, remote in hand. Your jaw drops, taking in the way every strand of fabric hugged her delicious curves. She smiles, slowly approaching you, almost seeming to grow more dominant the longer you stare - as if feeding on your adoration.
"Ready for me?" she asked, eyes making their way down your body. You shiver slightly, as if she had touched you, leaning back and spreading your legs to show off the toy.
"Mmm, good girl," Rhea gives you a quick kiss before running her hands down your chest, teasing your nipples.
"Same rules as earlier?" you check.
"That's right," she whispered in your ear before giving it a small bite, smiling at the noise you make, "If you come without permission, Mami punishes you. So be a good girl."

A soft click is the only warning you get before the toy inside you starts vibrating on the lowest setting. The sensation makes you let out a whine before another click turns on the lowest thrust setting, now accompanying the vibration. You moan, gripping the towel as small waves of pleasure make you twitch. Taking advantage of your desperate state, Rhea pushes you all the way down onto the bed and gropes you one last time before straddling your face, a hand resting on the wall to keep herself steady. One glance down at your blushing face underneath her and she can tell you want nothing more than to please.

"Tap my leg if you're getting close or if the toy gets to be too much," she instructs you.
"Yes, Mami," you reply, holding onto her thighs with both hands and opening your mouth, tongue slightly out. Rhea lowers herself, letting out a low moan once your mouth makes contact.
"Mmm, I missed having your mouth on me," she says, grinding against you, "Might just have to take you with me when I leave, keep you around as my personal slut."
She chuckles as you moan against her, reveling in how much control her words had over you. At the quickening pace of your tongue, Rhea presses another button, making the vibration of your toy louder and more intense.

"Oh fuck yes," she said, responding to your increasingly desperate moans as you twitch, the waves of pleasure becoming increasingly difficult to resist. You tap Rhea's thigh urgently and she turns the toy off completely, easing up on your mouth.
"All good?" she asks.
"Mmhm," you respond, aching around the toy for the orgasm you'd almost reached, "I was just getting really close."
"Good girl" - you smile at her praise - "Now don't ask to come until after I do."
She waits for your "yes, Mami" before lowering herself again and turning both thrust and vibrate back on. You put all the effort and focus you can into the way you move your mouth despite your own moaning and twitching. It isn't long before both of you are getting close to coming. Gripping her thighs, you do your best to not to give into the pleasure, your body screaming for release.

"Fuck, yes, just like that," Rhea's fingers gripped your hair as she encourages you, too lost in her own bliss to notice how close you were. A loud moan rang out as she threw back her head, squirting into your mouth. Both sexy and unexpected, suddenly being covered in her cum was what brought you over the edge. In your surprise, you'd lost focus and let yourself come undone. Your moan began muffled, still pressed against Rhea, but rang out into the open air as she moved away. Even in the haze of a strong orgasm, you felt a thrill. All motion coming from the toy stopped. You were definitely in trouble.
"And you were being such a good girl," Rhea tuts, shaking her head, "I was going to let you come right after me, but you didn't even ask. And now Mami has to punish you."

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