Fight Or Flight Club

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Putting away your belongings and leftover snacks that had been strewn across the couch during the second half of the show, you felt a sharp spike of anxiety as the last match of the night ended. Thankfully, the Judgment Day had managed to win their match, despite Damian and Finn going right back to arguing almost immediately after. You had seen Rhea grin and hoist her championship belt in the air, one arm around Dominik - a sight that no longer bothered you as much as it once did - celebrating the victory. She had to be in a better mood now. Standing up, you dust crumbs off the front of your top and skirt before slinging your bag over one shoulder.

After you're only a few steps down the hall, you hear a cheery voice call your name and turn to see Liv Morgan, skipping over and waving at you.
"Did you enjoy the show?" she asked, catching up to you.
"It was pretty good," you admit, looking her over before asking, "Are you okay after that fight earlier?"
"I'm just fine, cutie," she says, smiling and winking, making you blush, "Maybe a bit sore, but that was barely a scuffle. Takes more than that to stop me!"
You couldn't help but smile at her energy and optimism; it was strangely refreshing. She joined you on your walk back to the locker rooms while the two of you chatted about the show. It was difficult to remember the last time you met a woman who seemed so genuinely bubbly - her smile was contagious. Walking next to her, you felt much better about going to talk to Rhea and work things out.
"You're really perky for someone who gets in fights and beats people up for a living," you joke, trying not to stare too much at the beautiful woman beside you.
"I don't usually get into fights, I compete in matches," she clarified, "It's all by the book unless I need to defend myself or a friend."
"Ah, so you beat people up fairly," you reply.
Laughing, the two of you enter the locker room.

"Just WHAT THE FUCK do you think you're doing?!"
Both you and Liv - whose hand rested on your arm - froze and turned to see Rhea storming over after having hissed at the two of you. Terrified and unsure whether she was talking to you or Liv, you backed away instinctively as Liv moved to stand between you and Rhea.
"What are you doing touching her?" she snarled at Liv, inches away from her face, "You of all people should know better than to mess with Rhea. Bloody. Ripley."
"Look, I'm not doing anything to make her uncomfortable, and I get that you want to protect your girlfriend but-" Liv began, trying to keep a level tone before Rhea lifted her by her throat and slammed her into a nearby locker, holding her there.

"She's not my girlfriend," Rhea growled, making you feel like your heart had been shattered in your chest as she continued to hold a squirming Liv against the lockers.
"Rhe!" you yell, vision getting slightly blurry as you tear up, "Stop!"
Liv coughed and gasped for air as she fell to the ground, holding one of the hands she'd been using to try and pry Rhea's fingers open to the sore spot on her neck.
"Why am I here?" you ask Rhea, seeing the confidence in her manner falter as you do, "If you're just going to hurt me and act like this, why am I here? Why did you even invite me?"
It seemed like, for the first time, Rhea was at a complete loss for words as you slowly approached Liv - cautiously keeping your eye on Rhea - and helped her stand up.
"Here, I'll help get you to medical," you tell Liv, gaze still on Rhea, gently putting an arm around Liv's shoulder, "I need a new cold pack for my hand anyway."

"You didn't have to do that," you said to Liv after the two of you walked out into the hall.
"I've had to deal with her before," she waved a carefree hand, still smiling despite having been choked only moments earlier, "How are you doing, though, hon? That was... a lot." She gave the arm you still had around her shoulders a squeeze - you had been so distraught by what had just happened that you hadn't thought to move away yet. Feeling your face grow warm, you pull back before answering, "I... don't think I can let myself feel how I'm doing just yet," you say before hurriedly adding, "If that makes sense."
Liv nods, wincing slightly as she does.
"I'm so sorry she did that," you say.
"You don't have to apologize for her, hon," Liv sighs, gingerly touching her neck, "In fact, I would be surprised if she didn't apologize to you before the end of the night. I was a bit busy trying to breathe again, but I'm still pretty sure I saw real regret in her eyes after you yelled back at her."

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