The Other Side

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"I'm sure they'll be back any minute," you reassure JD with a smile as he checks his phone again for what must be the tenth time since you noticed him doing it. Knowing the advice you gave Damian might change whatever it was JD had with Finn made you feel more than a little bit guilty.
"You're probably right," JD sighed, eyes fixed on the parking lot, expression unchanging - anxious and a bit sad.
Looking back at Dominik and Rhea for help, you notice her whispering things in his ear, making him blush. Turning back to JD, you do your best to try and take his mind off Finn.
"So, are you a wrestler too?" you ask, unable to see any muscle due to the somewhat loose nature of clothes that covered both his arms and his legs.
"Have been for years," JD replied, finally actually looking over at you, "Are you?"
You laugh, "No, not even a little bit. Just had the good fortune to meet and end up with a wrestler." A smile makes its way onto your face, but JD's expression is still uneasy despite maintaining eye contact.

"Wish I had more bud to offer you," is all you can think to say, smile fading a bit, "Looks like you could use it."
"Ah, that stuff makes me paranoid anyway," he responds, waving a hand.
"Have you ever tried CBD?" you ask, not giving up on keeping him - and, being entirely honest, yourself - distracted.
"What's that?" JD asks warily.
"It's the part of weed that makes you calm and relieves pain," you explain, "Some places sell CBD by itself; so if you wanted to try smoking without the paranoia, you could also smoke or eat some CBD when you smoke weed in order to stay calm. Or you could try the CBD by itself, especially as a balm for any pains you might have to recover from after a match!"
"I had no idea," JD says, actually sounding interested for the first time during your conversation, "I'll have to look around for some and give it a try!"

"What are we trying?" Rhea's sultry voice asks, surprisingly close to your ear as she moves to rest her chin on your shoulder - startling you a little, but mostly making your face warm.
"C-B-D?" JD says hesitantly, looking at you, "Did I get that right?"
You nod carefully so as not to run into Rhea, making JD grin.
"Oh," Rhea says, sounding somewhat disappointed.
"Nothing nearly as sexy as you might hope, babe," you say apologetically, gently leaning your head against hers.
"I dunno," JD says, "No paranoia and less pain after matches? Sounds pretty sexy to me."
Rhea snorts at the comment as you laugh.

"Feels like I'm always late for the punchline," Damian's voice made everyone look up. His hair was slightly disheveled, he was calmer than you had seen him all day, and there was something else different about him that you couldn't quite place.
"What are you doing wearing that shirt," JD asked, looking down at the purple X on the black shirt stretched tightly across Damian's chest, voice trembling with growing rage, "And where is the man it belongs to?"
"Lo siento," Damian apologized, "But this was given to me freely" - he tugged a bit on the collar of the shirt, drawing attention to what could only be a hickey on his neck - "And Finn is fine, don't worry."
The smile Damian couldn't seem to suppress only seemed to make JD more impatient.
"Where. Is. He." JD demanded to know, getting closer.
"Still back in the rental car, I think," Damian replied, making JD's expression slowly dial back to bitter resentment - but it was Damian's next comment that made JD look completely heartbroken, "I tired him out pretty quickly and he might need a minute to recover."
Not saying a word, JD pulled a few bills out of his pocket, set them under his plate on the table, and walked off dejectedly. The guilt pierced you like a dagger as you watched him shuffle away in the direction of the parking lot.

"No fucking way," Rhea says after JD is out of earshot, "You and Finn finally got together?!"
"Thanks to your girlfriend," Damian replies, grinning harder. The happiness he exuded made you feel a bit less guilty.
"I'm glad things worked out!" you say, trying to put your feelings aside to let Damian enjoy his moment.
"So what you guys did in the car," Dominik addresses Damian, "... Details?"
"Dirty boy," Rhea scolds Dom, "You too, Priest. Finn better have the windows down; I am not driving for hours in a car that smells like sex."
"You didn't seem to have a problem with it after you and Dom had that quickie and thought Finn and I wouldn't notice," Damian countered.
Rhea smiled at the memory and kissed Dominik's cheek before checking the time and sighing.
"We should start heading to the next location," she said, sounding less than excited.
"Thanks for everything, babe," you tell Rhea, holding up your gift bag and winking, "I'll send you a picture of me with this on once I get home."
Rhea pulls you into a hug and whispers "good slut" before pressing her lips against yours. A wave of lust washes over you as she quickly grabs your ass and bites your lip before pulling away and letting you say goodbye to the other two. Dominik seems surprised when you pull him in for a hug as well, the heat radiating from his face as you pull away. Hugging Damian requires you to jump up a bit, making him laugh and spin you around before saying, "Thanks again, chica. I'm sure Finn would say the same if he wasn't so proud" - he looks back at the parking lot briefly - "and also probably asleep."

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