Lesson In Restraint(s)

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"So I'm curious," you admit, having just taken a post-meal hit, "What else is in that purple bag of yours?" Rhea's eyes light up at the question.
"Light another hit for me, strip, and maybe Mami can show you," she teases, gaze tracing your curves, "There are quite a few things in there, but we might just have time to use most of them."
A thrill runs through your body before you quickly hold the bong to Rhea's lips and light the bowl. Once she's taken in the full hit, she holds your face a few inches from hers, grinning at your open mouth before blowing the thick smoke in your face.
"Strip," she ordered, "Now."
"Yes Mami," you answer before standing and removing your clothes as quickly as you can. Rhea rises from the couch, giving your butt a squeeze as you take off your pants before walking off and calling "See you in the bedroom!" behind her.

Once you enter the room, you take in the sight of Rhea in her bra and underwear, purple bag in hand.
"No peeking," she says, motioning for you to turn around. Facing away from the room, you listen closely to the rummaging noises behind you, biting your lip as you wondered what she might be taking out.
After a while, you hear "turn around" and do just that. The sight that greets you makes your jaw drop: Rhea, topless and wearing a strap-on - lube in one hand, handcuffs and a blindfold in the other. If you weren't turned on before, you definitely were now.
"Ready to get a closer look?" she asks, well aware of the effect she has on you. You nod as she beckons you closer with one finger.

Your eyes kept darting down to the strap-on; the purple toy in the harness was a bit longer and thicker than the vibrator Rhea got you.
"I have a bigger one too," she says, watching you, "but you'll have to be a good girl and let me put these on you" - she waves the hand holding the handcuffs and blindfold - "before I put anything inside you."
"Yes, Mami," you agree, putting out both hands and closing your eyes for her.
"What a good little slut," she purrs, sliding the blindfold over your eyes. You melt at the praise, listening to the clicking of the cuffs as Rhea secures them around your wrists. The cool metal has no give - a fact you soon realize when your wrists are yanked upward suddenly.
"It's a shame you can't see yourself right now," Rhea says, a sadistic tinge in her voice, "Actually. Stay just like that."
"Yes, Mami," you breathe, completely at her mercy. Keeping your hands above your head, you listen to more rummaging noises before hearing the distinct noise of a picture being taken. The ache between your legs is almost unbearable at the feeling of being bound, naked, and helpless - and knowing Rhea was taking pictures of you like this made it even hotter.

Suddenly her hands were lifting you onto the bed, then pushing you to lie down. You gasp as she lifts both your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed by your hips. The moment she does, you feel her strap-on against you and squirm, trying to grind on her.
"Hold still," she says, chuckling when you whine before saying "yes Mami." Another picture taken. You feel her phone land beside you on the bed before hearing the pop of a cap and the squelch of what could only be lube. You feel Rhea's fingers getting you ready for her after a few seconds, moaning at the lovely sensation.
"Do you want me inside you?" she asks you, pulling away her fingers to line herself up.
"Yes Mami," you whine, "Please, I want you so badly."
"Mmm, that's my good girl," Rhea says, her sultry voice echoing in your ears, before slowly sliding inside you. Even after using her fingers, the strap was definitely stretching you out. With nothing to focus on but sound and touch, you moaned with each new curve that made its way inside you until you felt the cool edge of the ring holding the toy in place. Rhea shifts her weight slightly before pulling your head up by the back of your neck to kiss you roughly, biting your lip before setting you back down. Your wrists are moved above your head again, Rhea's other hand playing with your nipples as she stays inside you without thrusting.
It isn't long before you start whining and trying desperately to fuck yourself on her strap. A strong hand wraps around your throat as you hear "Use your words, slut."
"P-please fuck me, Mami?" you manage, breath constricted.
"Good girl," Rhea growls, hand moving away from your throat as she starts to slide in and out of you at a frustratingly slow pace. Moans punctuate your whines, restrained hands reaching for something to hold onto as you writhe, wanting nothing more than to be fucked hard and with reckless abandon.
"Be patient," Rhea warns, "You're not coming until I do."

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