(Smoke) You Out?

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"What happened?" Rhea asked, looking at your bandaged hand, equally confused and concerned.
The two of you had woken up once the rays of sunlight that peeked through the window started stretching across the bed. She had turned to face you, thrown her arm over your side, and reached to grab your hand - making you flinch at the pain once her fingers brushed against your knuckles. The sudden noise you let out and retraction of your hand made Rhea more alert.

"It's nothing," you say, somewhat embarrassed at how you'd gotten hurt, "I'm alright."
"Did it happen after I fell asleep?" her curiosity made it difficult for you to switch topics.
"It did, but I'm fine, really," you insist, "It's just a scrape" and maybe a bit of a bruise, you think to yourself.
"You should have woken me up," Rhea huffed, "Do you know how many wounds I've had to dress after fights? I could have helped."
"Um, I did wake you up, accidentally," you remind her, "when I came back to bed after cleaning and wrapping my hand."
"You did?" she paused to think.
"Yeah, you asked if I was okay and I told you I was fine," you recall, "It was only a few seconds. Then we both went back to sleep."
"...I don't remember that," Rhea says after a moment, shrugging, "So how did you hurt your hand in the first place?"

You feel your face getting warm, remembering bits and pieces from your dream last night.
"Bad dream," you skip most of the details, "Went to punch someone who wouldn't leave me alone and I guess I punched the wall. Would NOT recommend it as a way to wake up."
She looks at your injury before gently caressing both of your hands in hers, "If anyone bothers you when I'm around, leave the punching to me." You nod in agreement, only having chipped the paint on the wall you punched.
"So, what did you want to do today?" you ask her. While you, personally, would have loved to spend the day in bed, naked, smoking and fucking, Rhea was your guest.

Looking away, her hands move to her lap, her demeanor shifting entirely.
"So I was doing some research when I was booking the flight over here," she was talking a bit faster than usual, "And I found a, um, queer resource center..." she trailed off, almost whispering the last three words.
Watching her run her fingers through her hair, you make sure she's done speaking before you respond.
"We can definitely go there today," you say, remembering the last time you went, "They open in the afternoon. In the meantime" - you glance at the clock on your phone - "wake 'n' bake?"
"Hell yes," Rhea exhaled, no doubt glad to have gotten something that was difficult to talk about out of the way.

The two of you did at least get to spend most of the morning smoking in bed. Perhaps not naked or fucking, but definitely kissing between and after hits, cuddling when you were both too baked to sit up. You spent a good bit of time tracing the tattoos on her arms as they were wrapped around you. Closer to noon, your stomach began to growl in the face of your need to stay blissfully pressed against Rhea.

You headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast? Lunch? But upon entering, you remember the amazing time you'd had yesterday and how you still needed to wipe down the counter. Setting to work, you become so focused that the noise of your guest rummaging through her clothes barely registers. A sudden "what do you think?" at the entrance to the kitchen makes you jump - a fact you quickly forget when you take in Rhea's outfit. She was wearing a pair of black jeans held up with black suspenders - despite her pants hugging her curves tightly - but that wasn't what you were staring at.
"Is that a bi pride shirt?" your heart flutters upon seeing the pink, purple, and blue colors - divided horizontally - that comprised the entirety of her somewhat baggy t-shirt.

"Dom let me borrow it," she explained, looking slightly uncomfortable, "It's about two more colors than I'm comfortable wearing at once, but it's something I wouldn't wear in the ring. That might help keep me a bit less recognizable when we go out."
"This is just proving my theory that you look hot in anything," you admit, smiling at the noticeable ease that falls over her once you do.
"Or nothing," she adds, winking.
"All of the above," you respond, drying the counter before setting to work making food.
"Hey Rhe?" you call out after a while, unsure if you should fancy up her leftovers with seasonings the way you did yours.
"Did you just shorten my name?" she asked, appearing a couple seconds later.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," you reply, "I should've asked-"
"No," she stops you, "... I like it."

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