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"Aren't you hungry?" you ask Rhea.
She had come up behind you in the kitchen just as you'd placed the flowers in water. Planting gentle kisses down the side of your neck, her strong hands held your hips. The to-go bags you'd both gotten before getting to your apartment were on the counter next to you, and the food smelled delicious.
"Of course I'm hungry," she muttered, "And I think you know exactly what I want to eat."
Turning to face her, you reach under your dress and slide down your panties, watching her stare at you like you're irresistible.
"Please, Mami," you breathe, aching for her touch, "May I have your mouth?"
Rhea kisses you, grabbing your ass briefly with one hand and clearing a space on the counter with the other. Lifting you easily, she sits you down on the clear surface and you hold onto the edge as she does.
"Now how could I possibly say no to such a good girl?" is the last thing you hear before your own sounds fill the space.

Teeth gently biting the inside of your thighs, Rhea holds your legs apart, barely teasing you with her fingers. Whining, you grip the edge of the counter and try to grind against her hand. The moment you do her fingers retract, replaced by her warm, soft mouth.
"Oh, god, Mami," you moan as she starts flicking her tongue, "that feels so good."
Humming to express her satisfaction with your words, her mouth begins to vibrate around you as she starts moving faster. Losing all grasp on language, you can't seem to stop the desperate noises that left your body as you twitch, writhing in pleasure. It was as if the world around you became more and more vibrant with each wave that swept over you.

Sharp, black nails run softly, dangerously up your thighs. You would tell her she was welcome to break skin if you could remember how to speak. Suddenly, all sensation stops and you whine, looking down at Rhea. She chuckles sadistically, a gleam in her eye.
"Before we keep going, Mami has a rule for you, sweet girl," she revels in the desperation in your eyes, "When you're getting close to coming, you have to beg me to let you come" - her smile widens as you squirm at the thought - "and if you come without permission, Mami is going to punish you. Got it?"
Biting your lip, you hear yourself say "Yes, Mami," words dripping with desire.
"Good girl," Rhea purrs, wasting no time putting her mouth and hands on you again.
It doesn't take long before you're writhing under her touch, feeling your pleasure build.
"Mmm, please Mami, may I come?" you moan loudly.
"Already?" Rhea's hand keeps you just on the edge as she frees up her mouth, "You can wait a bit longer, can't you?"
Whining loudly, you ask again, "Please Mami? I'm so close"
"Hmmm," she considers your request, hands not pausing for a second, "... Okay. Come for me."
Her mouth disappears underneath the hem of your dress again, making you come almost on contact. Rhea's pleased hums made the pleasure so intense, the sound that left your throat didn't sound human. Tongue not stopping, she moves her hands to grip your thighs, keeping you more or less in place as you convulse. You can't remember the last time you came for so long. Once your aftershocks have lessened, Rhea stands up and kisses you deeply, prying your lips apart with her tongue, making you taste yourself. You make a mental note to wipe down the counter later.

"Even better than I remembered," she says, peppering your face with soft, gentle kisses, hands on your waist, "Such a good girl for Mami."
You can't contain the widening smile on your face, and you don't want to; how else were you supposed to react to such an amazing time?
"Ready for some real food now that you've had an appetizer?" you joke, sliding off the counter to pick up your underwear.
"Hell yes," Rhea replies, giving your butt a squeeze as you bend over before grabbing some food from the to-go bags.
After changing into new panties, you grab some food for yourself and head over to join Rhea on the couch. Noticing her eyes on your body, you put a little extra swing in your hips. The moment you set your food on the table, she pulls you onto her lap.
"So handsy!" you say, giggling.
"Hey, I could only get a few days off," Rhea responds, arms wrapping around your waist, "I'm definitely going to make the most of it."

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