... To Those Who Wait

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"Last night was fun. Let me know when you want to actually finish a smoke sesh"
You read the message - a small, triumphant part of you relieved that Mari actually messaged you back.
"What has you smiling, gorgeous?" Rhea asked, putting an arm around you. The two of you sat on your couch, halfway through a bowl. You had been shotgunning her, at her request, and she took each meeting of your lips as an opportunity to tease you by biting you lip or sliding her tongue in your mouth as she rubbed her fingers against the growing wet spot on your panties.

"Tell Mami," Rhea insisted when you hesitated.
"The, um," you fumbled with your words, apprehensive about how she might react as your face grew warmer, "The woman I, uh, met last night - she texted me."
The pause between the two of you felt tense, until Rhea finally broke it by chuckling.
"Put your phone away, darling - Mami is going to make you forget all about her."

You did as you were told, biting your lip in anticipation as Rhea stood and walked over to her suitcase. She bent at the waist to open it, making you forget about your curiosity for a moment as you enjoyed the view. A few clothes went flying as Rhea dug out whatever it was that was making her luggage so heavy.
"How did you get that on the plane?" you asked when she turned around, a sly grin on her face as you eyed what she was holding.
"I checked it," Rhea said casually, "Easier to get through security that way."

"Is that... a fucking machine?," you breathe, trying to maintain your composure.
"Oh definitely," she purred, savoring your reaction, "Funnily enough, so is this thing I'm holding" - she paused for your giggle before continuing - "And it comes with so many attachments. Want to see?"
"Yes please," you answer quickly, making Rhea's grin a bit wider.
Setting the machine aside, Rhea moved around a few more things before producing a black bag that seemed to strain at the weight of what was inside of it. Leaning over the couch, necklace leading your eye down to her chest, Rhea began setting down the toy attachments on the cushion she was sitting on just moments ago.

One by one, she put them in front of you, watching your reaction to each. First, a standard dildo, with a realistic shape and a very light flesh color. The rest of the attachments were purple silicone, starting with a shorter toy, covered in bumps. You bit your lip at the thought of it inside of you. Rhea chuckled before pulling out the next attachment: a thick dildo with a slight curve at the end. It was Rhea's short laugh that made you realize you were now staring at the toys with your mouth open.

Your mind reeled at the possibilities as another you was set in front of you: this one with a bullet vibrator inside and a rabbit shape jutting out near the base. No longer trying to maintain your composure, you practically salivated at the next toy: it was fairly standard except for the midsection, which was filled with small, metal spheres that seemed to have enough space to move around.
"Is that the toy you want Mami to fuck you with, beautiful?" Rhea asked, trailing a finger along the side of your face as she spoke.
"Yes, Mami," you reply, now caught in her gaze, "Please?"
She looked at you with a burning intensity in her eyes, making you shift in your seat as you descended into sub space.
"You'll have to earn it first, darling."

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