Good Things Come...

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Walking through the club, you were surprised by how little the crowd bothered you despite only having taken one hit while you were outside. Your friends wave you over to the dance floor as the song changes and you join them in moving to the music. The song is unfamiliar, but the beat is easy to follow and your movements get more confident as you keep dancing. It isn't until about halfway through the song that you start noticing more than one woman checking you out. One of your friends rolls her eyes as one of the women starts dancing closer to you, but you decide to enjoy yourself. The two of you reach a synchronicity that makes the occasional touching and grinding easy to play off as part of the dance, but you know better.
"Come with me," she tells you as the song ends before grabbing your hand and pulling you off the dance floor. Once you've both ducked into the hallway, her lips catch yours in a passionate kiss, making you moan. Your phone keeps buzzing, but you decide to ignore it.
"Aren't you going to get that?" the woman asks, suddenly sounding entirely different. You pull away and realize it's been Rhea the entire time, "Don't keep Mami waiting."

Jolting awake, you grab and check your phone immediately.
"If there's another woman in your bed, send her on her way"
"Mami got a last-minute flight to come see her good girl"
The messages both ended with a little black heart and took a moment for you to process in the intensity of the early morning light. There wasn't anyone else in bed with you, but the message and your dream did remind you of the woman you had kissed last night. You tried not to feel disappointed that you didn't have any messages from Marisol yet as you started typing a reply to Rhea:
"What time do you-" but as if she knew what you were typing, the next message from Rhea tells you when her flight lands. After deleting what you had been typing and checking the time, you start waking up enough to feel excited for Rhea's surprise visit.
"Can't wait! I'll pick you up. I love you!" you send the reply with a couple of hearts before getting ready for the day.

Driving in circles around the recent arrivals pick-up area a few hours later, you can't help but think you might not even be seeing Rhea if you hadn't shown real interest in another woman last night. You wanted more than anything to reassure your girlfriend that she didn't have to worry about anyone taking you away from her, but you doubted saying so would make much of a difference. Perhaps you had to find a way to show her. Somehow.
Spotting Rhea in a small crowd exiting the building, you pull up to the curb and slow to a stop. Popping your trunk and unlocking your doors, you return her brilliant smile as she walks over, luggage in tow. While she carried and lifted the large suitcase with ease, you couldn't help but jump at the sound it made being set into your trunk - as though it was inexplicably heavy.

"I missed you so much, babe," you say, leaning in to give Rhea a quick kiss as she slides into the seat next to you before joking, "Just so I'm not too surprised: Did you bring the entire rest of the Judgment Day with you in that suitcase, or what?
Feigning a disappointed sigh after buckling herself in, she called to the back of your car, "She figured it out, boys. Might as well come on out."
"Seriously, though, what's in the suitcase?" you insist, merging with the airport traffic.
"Patience, darling," Rhea teased, resting her hand on your thigh as she raises her boots onto the dash, "All in good time."
Biting your lip, you do your best to focus on the road in front of you as she squeezes your thigh before lifting her hand to mess with the radio. Your mind kept drifting to the suitcase, wondering how many days Rhea was staying and what she brought with her.
"You wore a skirt," Rhea's sultry voice pulled you out of your thoughts as she played with the hem, tracing her nails on your thighs just underneath, "Such a good slut - all the better for Mami to check just how needy you are whenever she wants."

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