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It's never occurred to me how common it is. Every form of life leads to death. Hopefully mine will.

I stare in horror at the destruction of my home I once knew. My mother cradled me in her arms, a single tear dropping from her green eyes.

My clan joined Toruk Makto in his fight against the sky people but they've all been brutally murdered. Even my father, in front of me.

They attacked our village and people first because of our clans connection to Eywa and enhanced abilities and gifts are perceived as bigger threats to them than regular Navi.

I'm only 3 years old but my mother says I'm 'wise beyond my years'. None of that matters now as I watch my home burn, my friends and my family dieing, one, by, one.

"No," my bottom lip quivers and I shake violently.

My mother didn't want to fight, she wanted to get her daughter to safety and my father agreed. As the Oley'ktan and Tsahik they needed to protect their clans future.

There are many other children in the clan but they didn't make it out in time, they all died. All my friends, all my cousins, my brother.

When our homes first got bombed Mum grabbed my older brother Xayk and I and ran, we didn't even get to say bye to our father.

But Xayk was shot, right in the head, by a human. We didn't even get to stop and cry, grab him, pray to Eywa. We had to keep running.

We stand on a mountain now, watching the destruction of our clan and the victory of the others. The sky people went out of their way to attack our clan, other wise they only attacked whoever got in their way.

Flames where everywhere, Navi falling off of ikrans, guns firing left and right, arrows piercing through hearts.

"Oh Eywa," I whisper softly, a single tear falling from my eye.

"We need to go baby," My mum picks me up.

I cry loudly in her arms as she runs through the forest, desperate to make it to safety and not face the same fate our people did.

We have no where to go anymore. All I've ever known is destroyed now and all I have left is my mother.

I whale and sob in her arms, screaming occasionally and she'd have to pat my head so I'd calm down.

"Baby we need to be quiet, something will hear you," She whispers and i sniffle slightly.

I then realised crying didn't do anything to help me. It didn't help my mum, it didn't help our situation. So this is the last time I cry, ever.


4 years later

"Shit," I curse, cutting my finger on the knife we use for food.

"Careful," Mum reminds me.

"Why don't we have a Mauri?" I say suddenly.

We've been on the run for 4 years now. We both know the war isn't happening anymore but mother insists we never stay in the same place for too long.

So once a month we pack everything up and move even further north. Never once finding anyone else.

"We do," mum points around us.

"We've been on the run for 4 years and we've never stayed anywhere longer than a month!" I say harshly.

"That's not true, one time we stayed some where for almost two and you got the scar across your eye from the Thanator," Mum reminds me.

"So? We can't just run every time something bad happens," I stand up, facing her.

I was referring to 4 years ago when we ran from the fight and everyone died, our entire family.

"My daughter, if we hadn't of ran we'd be dead," she rests an arm on my shoulder.

I aggressively shrug her arm of my shoulder and hiss. "I don't have a single friend, do you know how sad that is?"


"Are we even going anywhere? Do we even have a plan? Because it's just been you and I for 4 years and it's killing me!" I yell loudly.


"No," I raise my hand to stop her. "I'm leaving!"

I grabbed my bow, throwing it over my shoulder and collected my arrows. Runnning out of our depressing 'Mauri' I ignore all my mothers calls.

I don't know where I'm going but I run anyway, I run and I run and I run. Of course it starts raining and the ground feels slippery, but I don't slow down.

I could hear my mother behind me, calling out my name but I don't turn around or falter for a second. I keep running.

"Takara!" My mother desperately screams behind me. "Slow down!"

No. I won't slow down now, I won't let her hold me back anymore. I need to find other Navi, I need to know if we won the war. Because the last thing I remember of the war was Navi dying, losing.

I bring a hand up to my forehead to shield my eyes from the rain and wind. Why did it have to start raining?


I hear talking in the distance, not behind me, in front of me. I look up quickly, spotting a orange flame in the distance.

I run as fast as I can, pushing myself to the limit as I jump over and climb under obstacles.

Oh my Eywa

I finally stop running when I stand in front of the fire. Looking around I slowly spin in a circle. My eyes going crazy as other Navi eyes stare back at me.

My tail wraps around my thigh and I let out a breath of relief.

"Are you okay?" A tall female Navi appears beside me.

"Did we win?" I ask suddenly.

"Win what?" She says hesitantly, looking behind her as a male approaches us.

"The war, is everyone ok?" I look around frantically.

"That was 7 years ago."


Also I promise I'll explain further why her hair is white and it's not some weird reason like 'I found a rock and my hair turned white'
Her mum, Rouyloj also has white hair.

Why does she have white hair?

Don't forget to vote <3

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