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Aonung slowly circled my back with his index finger, making me almost fall to sleep with his gentleness. I already felt so tired and so did Aonung. I could feel how tired he was because of Tsaheylu.

Everything felt so calm. The wind trickled softly through the trees, the sand becoming soft again because it has stopped raining.

"Did you know I'm getting my own Mauri?" Aonung says.

I look up at him and he was smiling down at me. "Why is that?"

"Once I complete my coming of age ceremony I move out, my Mauri is being built no-,"

"Are we going to tell Navi?" I blurt out and his eyes widen.

Once he processes what I said he throws his head back, laughing loudly whilst I just lay there with a grumpy look in my face.

"Of course we are," He kisses my forehead.

"Oh, okay," I bury my face in his chest to hide my smile.

"We should tell my mum first because she's been begging me to wife you up," Aonung continues his circles on my back.

"That sounds like something Tuk would say," I chuckle.

"I have been hanging out with Tuk a lot," Aonung nods his head and my brow furrow.

"What? When?" I sit up, resting a hand on his chest for support.

"When you didn't speak to me for months, I talked to Tuk about you," He pokes my side.

"You talked to Tuk about me?" I ask, highly confused.

"I needed to know how you were doing but you wouldn't talk to me," Aonung shrugs.

"Sorry about that," I poke his chest lightly.

Aonung grabs my waist, pulling me on top of him, my back to his chest as I laugh.

"I forgive you," He smirks as his hands cup my boobs.


"Mum?" Aonung asks as we walk into the Mauri.

"Yes dea- Takara," She smiles at me.

"Hi Ronal," I smile back.

"How are you dear, you just ran off before," Ronals brows furrow.

"I had to help out with something," I lie, shrugging my shoulders. "Where is A'nya?"

"She's with Tonowari doing whatever, I wasn't listening," Ronal shrugs.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm okay, it gets easier each ti-,"

"We have something to tell you," Aonung cuts her off.

"I- okay, what must I know?" Ronal crosses her arms over her chest.

Aonung grabs my hand, smiling at me before turning back to his mum.

"Takara is going to be my mate," Aonung says proudly.

Ronals jaw drops as she lets out a high pitched squeal before walking as fast as she can towards us and embracing us tightly.

"This is perfect, Takara will make a fantastic Tsahik!" Ronal says loudly.

"Thank you," I chuckle.

"A Tsaheylun being the Tsahik of our clan will be amazing, your connection with Eywa is already so strong!" Ronal pulls away from the hug. "When will you be mating?"

Aonung and I share a look, he smirks and I just blush, looking at the ground to attempt and hide it.

"We already have," Aonung smiles.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now