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Rain poured heavily down on everything, creating a much cooler atmosphere than the previous days.

With each stride I took leaves stuck to my feet due to water. Rain drizzled down my back and soaked my hair. I ran freely through the forest, not having a single care in the world.


Except for that

I looked back quickly, Aonung was no where near as fast as me but I still picked up my pace. A loud clash of thunder roared in the sky and I flattered for a second but kept running.

"Takara will you stop!" Aonung yells as he attempts to keep up with me.

A log laid diagonally against a tree , covering half of the makeshift path I was running on. Deciding to lose Aonung I jump onto the log, holding onto the bark as I climb up the log.

"Hey that's not fair," Aonung puffs as he tries to climb up the log.

Once I reach the top of the log I try and climb the tree it laid on but my hands slipped, the tree was to wet. The bark was peeling away as I tried to get a good grip on it and I have no way of climbing it.


"There you are," Aonung pants once he finally reaches the area where I stood.

I was panting as well but not as much as him. In the forest I wouldn't have even broke a sweat but I haven't been running enough lately.

Turning around, I avoid eye contact with Aonung and try to step around him so I could climb down again but he wraps an arm around my waist, forcing me to face him.

"Where do you think your going?" He chuckles.

No where

"I chased you all the way here from the village, you have to tell me why you suddenly ran," Aonung smiles.

Once I handed A'nya safely back to Tonowari I excused my self and walked out of the Mauri. I bolted as soon as they wouldn't be able to see me anymore but I didn't realise Aonung followed me.

"Takara?" Aonung shakes his hand in front of my face to see if I'm even listening.

"I'm fine," I pull his hands off me and climb down the log.

Jumping onto the ground, I stand up straight and walk this time instead of running.

"Where are you going?" Aonung asks as he catches up to me.

"I don't know," I roll my eyes.

I feel mad at Aonung, and the truth is I don't know why. When he was staring so lovingly at A'nya it made me feel that weird feeling again.

We walk in silence for a while. Neither of us saying anything whilst we caught our breath from the run.

I did know where I was going, I knew as soon as I started running. Aonung and my spot, the place he showed me and the place I've grown to love.

Whether it's the tall trees, private beach, wood burning smell or whatever, there's just something about it that's so special.

As we reach the clearing I could hear Aonung chuckle sweetly from behind me. I love when he chuckles, I also love his laugh.


"You could have just told me where we were going," He smirks, standing next to me.

I ignore him, crossing my arms over my chest as my tail wraps around my thigh. I face away from Aonung, my back to him and eyes to the ground.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now