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We stood in the dark pouring rain as the sun had finally set. Avatars still held tightly on to us as we all waited for 'extract'.

"Heads up, three minutes," Colonel whispers to the avatars.

We were all facing one direction and these avatars are pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. But that's a good thing, because I have a plan.

"Watch our six," he tells the avatar holding Kiri and Spider.

Well shit

I hear a distant yipping in the distance and my eyes and ears are immediately on alert as I listen closely for another one.


I look around, making eye contact with Lo'ak and he nods his head in conformation that it was Neytiri.

Kiri begins chanting in Navi to Eywa as she prays for our lives to be safe.

"Shut up!" Her avatar whisper yells, moving in front of her.

Kill him now

"Contact rear!" Colonel immediately calls out when a arrow flies through the avatars head.


"Your so dead," I whistle and my avatar tightens his grip.

They all began firing their guns at the tree where the arrow came from, I can only assume Neytiri is behind it.

I reach my hand out and eventually my knife comes to it. When the avatar is too busy firing at Neytiri I cut my cuffs and then slice his throat.

"Lo'ak, Takara!" Neytiri yells.

I stab my knife into the back of one of their heads and they immediately fall to the ground with a thud.

I grab his gun and the amo from his chest, reloading it as I aim it at the Avatars. I shoot one of them but the noise alerts the other, when they turn around I'm already gone.

Lo'ak garbs Tuk and they both run away. Kiri and Spider try to run but one of them grab her queue so I shoot them in the leg and Neytiri shoots them in the neck.

I run with the gun in my hands in the opposite direction so I could go around and shoot them from the front, form where Neytiri is.

I sneak through the wet leaves, slowly making my way around to where Neytiri is. I can't see her yet but I know she's there.

Whilst running I spot Neteyam lining his bow up to an Avatars head. Once he releases it i realise the Avatar would've killed Neytiri.

"Navi!" An avatar calls out and they all look at Neteyam.

He lines his bow up again to shoot but I leap forward and tackle him to the ground, just before the bullets fly.

"Move! Go, go, go!" I yell and we both run behind a tree.

Jake runs towards us immediately standing next to Neteyam as I stand on the other side.

"You okay?" He asks Neteyam.

"Yeah," Neteyam nods.

"Okay with me, ready? Ready?" He looks at me.

"Yes sir," Neteyam and I say in unison.

Jake steps out and fires his gun at the Avatars, I do the same and this gives us a chance to run away.

"Move!" Jake yells and we run backwards, jumping over a log. "Come on!"

I run behind Neteyam, occasionally checking behind me to fire more bullets at them. Eventually the bullets stop firing but we keep running, desperate to get away from the danger.

I look behind me once more to see if we were followed but there was no one. Thank Eywa there was no one.

We jump down off a branch and run into Lo'ak and Tuk.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, you hurt? Are you hurt?" He asks Lo'ak than Tuk.

"No, I'm okay," Lo'ak mumbles.

"Tuk you hurt?" Jake crouches to her level.

"Daddy," she whimpers, falling into his arms.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jake reassures her.

We stand behind a thick log as we watch an aircraft lower towards the avatars. They reach out and grab something that they attached to themselves as they begin floating.

I scowl and grimace as they finally leave, thank Eywa. I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Neytiri and Kiri appear and everyone runs to them as they hug and cry of relief. Thank Eywa everyone's okay. I don't know what I would have done if they were hurt.

Jake hugs Neteyam and Lo'ak, Neytiri hugs Kiri and Tuk. I stand to the side, watching incase the air craft comes back.

"Where's spider?" I hear Lo'ak ask.

"They took him," Kiri turns to Lo'ak. "They took him."

I never liked Spider and I never will but i knew how much he meant to Kiri and Lo'ak. I feel bad, I should've tried harder.

"Okay, it's alright baby girl, he's a tough kid," Jake reassures her as she cries in his arms. "He's gonna be okay."


Neteyam, Lo'ak and I were all walking together when we saw Kiri and Tuk kneeling outside their Mauri.

Kiri gestures us towards her with a finger on her lips, requesting silence. We kneel down next to her as we listen to Neytiri and Jake argue.

"This is about our family, this is about our little ones," Jake argues.

"I cannot. You cannot ask this! I cannot leave my people, I will not," I hear Neytiri walking around inside the Mauri.

"He's hunting us, he's targeting our famil-,"

"You cannot ask this! The children, everything they've ever know. The forest, this is our home!" Neytiris voice cracks.

"He had our children, he had em under his knife," Jake hisses.

I hear Neytiri moving around again as she huffs. "My father gave me this bow as he lay dying, and he said protect the People. Your Toruk Makto!"

"This will protect the people! Quaritch has Spider and that kid knows everything, he knows our whole operation and he could lead them right here," Jake reminds her.


"What about Takara, we can't leave her here! She has no one," Neytiri reminds him.

They all look at me and I just look at the ground. I don't know what I would do if they left and I was all alone.

"She'll come with us, she's apart of our family," Jake reassures Neytiri.


"If the people harbour is, they will die, do you understand?" Jake pauses. "Look, I got nothing, I got no plan. But I can protect this family, that I can do."

It goes silent for a while, Neytiris soft cries the only sound we can hear.

"But I know I one thing, where ever we go this family is our fortress."


Chapter 3 :) we'll see our Zesty bae next chapter, promise queens 👸

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