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Takaras POV

As I finished the last bits of food on my leaf I place it on the ground. I was really thirsty now but as I looked around I couldn't see any water.

"Do we have any water?" I ask Neteyam and he shakes his head. "Do you have any water?" I ask the Sullys and they all say no.

When I'm about to ask Lo'ak if he can ask Tsireya I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I see a big eyed, fluffy haired boy holding a coconut of water.

"You can have mine," he smiles at me.

"I'm not going to take a drink from someone I just met," I furrow my brows and he chuckles.

"Wise, how about I show you were to get some water instead?" He proposes.


"Well I liked that you called me wise and you seem nice so, why not?" I shrug.

He stands up, holding out his hand for me to grab. I slap his hand away, standing up myself and he smiles.

"What's your name?" He asks as I follow him.

"Takara, but you can call me T," I tell him. "Yours?"

"Juxco," He smiles at me.

We walk towards a huge tree with a hole in it. He grabs his coconut, dumping out the previous water and places it under the hole.

"Is that it?" I ask.

"Be patient," he whistles and kicks the tree.

Water starts flowing out of the hole and into the coconut. I look up, wondering how it works.

"When it rains the water falls on the leaves which falls through the tree and out here," Juxco answers like he read my mind.

"Wow," I admire the tree before me.

"Here you go," he hands me the coconut and I bring it up to my lips, taking a sip.

"Thank you," I smile at him, drinking more of the water.

"No problem, you coming to the party afterwards?" He asks suddenly.

"What party?" I wonder, lowering the coconut from my face.

"The older teens of the island are having a party tonight in the forest, you should come," He nods towards the forest.

"What makes you think I'm an older teen," I tease.

"Your grey hairs," He smiles giddily and I punch his shoulder.

"I don't know where the party is or when it is," I tell him.

"It's right after dinner, some Navi are probably already there," He answers my second question.

"And where exactly?" I raise by eyebrows.

"I'll take you there, if your parents are cool with it," He raises his hands as a sign of piece.

"Oh, their not my parents," I smile awkwardly.

"Oh sorry, I just assumed," he mumbles the last part.

"It's okay, many Navi make the same mistake," I reassure him.

"So you'll come to the party?" He changes the subject.

Should I?

"I'll come," I nod my head slowly.

"Yes! We'll head back now and you can ask them and then we'll go?" Juxco suggests.

"Let's do it," I smile.

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