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8 years later


It's never occurred to me how common it is. Every form of life has felt love. I feel love.

I stare in awe at the beauty of my home I once hated. My Aonung held a hand around my waist, a proud smile adorned on his face. We're both so incredibly proud of all of our children but today Tùsnua deserves the most.

Tùsnua has passed her Ikaniyma, finally turning eighteen, successfully taming a Tsurak and beginning her advanced Tsahik training for when she becomes chieftess of the Metkayina.

She's grown into an incredible warrior; her skills are unmatched. No one in the clan has been able to challenge her in a fight for years. Although she prefers a less violent approach to solving problems and only harms when necessary.

Her tail and legs have grown bigger, supporting her beautiful height. Tùsnua is the tallest Navi of her age, taller than me but shorter than Aonung and her height suits her perfectly.

Once Tùsnua's tattoo that confirms her Ikaniyma is finished she runs towards us, smiling brightly with her arms stretched out.

She hugs Aonung and I first, wrapping her arms tightly around as she laughs.

"We're so proud of you!" Lubìta cheers, joining the hug and Tùsnua thanks her.

Lubìta has a fierce personality, doesn't take bullshit from anyone and stands up for those in need. She's a very skilled fighter and will always be caught in the middle of some fist fight. She always wins. 

Her hair has grown lighter, matching my own. The fins on both her arms and legs match a traditional Metkayina build but her tail has stayed smaller. Lubìta is quite short at the moment but she's only sixteen so she could grow.

"I knew you could do it!" Zhìlì jumps in the hug as well.

"Woah, sick tattoo," Hyvä comments when he could see it on Tùsnua's arm.

Zhìlì is only nine but already has the exact physical features of his father. His skin is light, hair is dark, arms and legs are thick. But his eyes; their still a gorgeous green.

His nature is to help people and has the kindest heart, believes in everyone. Zhìlì's rather mature for his age and didn't cause too mcuh trouble as a kid unlike Hyvä.

Hyvä use to be a mischievous kid; and all though he still is due to only being eleven, Hyvä definitely understands what's right and wrong now and stays out of trouble regularly.

He reminds me of Lo'ak so much with the way he acts. Hyvä acts out because he thinks it will make people notice him buts he's already so noticeable with his humorous and kind attitude. I just wish he'd know that.

His skin and hair had gotten darker but his hair is still white, naturally drawing attention to him. Hyvä has a leaner frame and I don't see him growing much muscle when he's older.

"Who's hungry?" I ask.

"Everyone," Viata chuckles with a smile.

Viata was so quiet as a kid, only talking when she thought necessary and trying her best to stay out of trouble. She's become much more confident with herself now and makes herself known when she walks around the village.

With Metkayinan build and skin she blends in well; but her bright white hair gives away her difference and she's learn to embrace that.

"Alright, let's head home then," Aonung suggests and everyone agrees.

We all make our way make to our Mauri. Zhìlì holds Aonungs hand as he skips happily. Tùsnua and Lubìta walk side by side, talking about everything they could think of. Viata and Hyvä where running around, trying to tag the other.


I turn around smiling as they hurry towards us on their little legs. Reaching my hand out they hold it tightly with both hands, grinning up at me.

"There you are Louella," I bop Aonung and my sixth child's small nose.

She giggles, pulling away from my finger as she sneezes.

Louella has the lightest skin and hair of all our children. Her features aren't defined yet so we can't tell whether she's more Omaticayan or Metkayinas built.

She is very outgoing and well liked with an adorable personality. Louella is also incredibly loyal, I've seen such anger from her when she senses an ounce of dishonesty from someone she trusted.

I just know she's going to make an incredible warrior when she's older.

"Everybody head on in," Aonung smiles as we arrive at our Mauri.

Our Mauri has grown drastically in size due to all the Navi living in it. Vines and other forested items have grown on top and around the Mauri, making it almost camouflaged.

All the kids rush into the Mauri, desperate for some food. They act like we don't feed them. We do.

Aonung sighs in content, holding my hand as he faces me. I smile happily, pecking his lips gracefully.

"We did good," He looks into the Mauri, referring to our kids.

They were laughing as they talked all together, eating the food we prepared earlier as they shared stories with their siblings.

Although my brother died young and for a while I had no family; I got to see a family. I saw how loving the Sullys kids where to there siblings, how loving they still are.

All I hoped for our kids was that they would share the same love the Sullys did. That they would cherish each other's life and love them endlessly because they have someone to love.

I look back to Aonung and he's smiling brightly, staring in awe at our children enjoying each other's company.

On the rare occasion that I still get nightmares from my old life and wake up petrified, shaking in fear; he'll always be right next to me, calming me, holding me, protecting me, loving me so I can sleep again.

And when I do sleep again, I dream of the future, of how beautiful it will be. I dream of happy and cheerful things. I don't feel afraid of the nightmares that may come because when they do.

Aonungs always there.

"We did do pretty good," I feel a tear drop past my scarred eye, making me chuckle softly.

All parents have the choice to do good for their children, for some it's hard because they have limited goodness given to them in the first place.

But that's not what matters. Only one thing will ever be needed to ensure a wonderful life for those deserving. And that one thing is love.

All you need is love


Yes, this is the end.

I have enjoyed writing this book so much and I will miss you all tremendously!!!!
I am incredibly grateful for each and everyone one of you beautiful human beings who have bared with all my spelling mistakes and weird comment replies to read this book

Never, ever, forget that you are loved!

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