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3 years later

I covered my eyes with my hands, counting backwards as they ran around trying to find a hiding place.

"Go easy on mama, she's pregnant," I hear Aonung whisper.

"I heard that," I mumble and they giggle. "3, 2, 1, here I come ready or not," I call out.

Tuk taught us this game called 'hide and seek'. Apparently she invented it? The kids love it though so I don't mind.

I could already hear giggles coming from Aonung and my room so I stay clear of there, instead heading towards Tùsnua's room because that's where she always hides.

As I walk in I could see Tùsnua's but sticking out from under her woven blanket as she tries to stay quiet.

"Gosh, I wonder where Tùsnua could be," I smile, walking towards her quietly.

Tùsnua giggles under the covers, moving her body to find a more comfortable position. Her small tail whips the air behind her.

I pull the blanket off her quickly and pick her up, throwing Tùsnua in the air as she laughs loudly.

"I found you!" I cheer.

"No," Tùsnua laughs.

"Now help me find the others," I place her down, holding her hand as we walk out of the room.

"I know where daddy is," Tùsnua whispers.

"Show me," I whisper back.

"Ok," Tùsnua skips into my room, laughing softly as she lets my hand go and points to the corner of the room.

Aonung is standing tall with a blanket over him. It was very clearly him and is a horrible hiding place, but I appreciate the effort.

"Do you want to do it or should I?" I whisper in her ear, squatting down to her level.

Tùsnua immediately walks towards Aonung, pulling the blanket off him and revealing him with a shocked face.

"How did you find me?" He asks, arms on his hips.

I hear a small giggle come from behind him and my brows furrow from confusion.

"Dad move!" Tùsnua pushes Aonung out of the way to reveal her little sister Lubìta holding her favourite toy with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Lubìta!" I smile and she runs towards me.

I pick her up, holding her close to me as she yawns loudly. Lubìta has light hair and skin, darker than Aonung but lighter than mine; a mix of both. She has my tail and ears but Aonungs fins.

"I think someone's tired," I pat her head.

"Nap time," Aonung picks Tùsnua up and she grumbles.

We walk towards their rooms, placing both of them down and tucking them in for a nice nap. As we exit the rooms and sigh in content from peace a sudden scream catches our attention.

My hand immediately flies out and my spear flies to it. Aonung draws his knife from his loincloth and we stand strongly.

"Aonung, T!" They call out.

We run towards the sound, Aonung running faster as I stay closer to the Mauri for Tùsnua and Lubìta.

"Shit," I whisper, clutching my spear as I stare back at our Mauri.

"T," Tsireya pants as she runs up to me, Aonung right behind me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"There's a Thanator roaming the forest, we've been keeping our distance but somethings set it off and it's been coming after us, it's heading for the village!" Tsireya explains.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now