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Takara's POV

"Xayk!" I yell, hoping he's near by.

It was morning now, the sun just rose and it was already so hot. There wasn't a single cloud in the blue sky and the water was so clear.

"You like?" Aonung asks as he crawls out of the cave.

He stands up, pointing at his new loincloth made from seaweed and parts of my top I could spare.

"No," I reply blankly, looking back up at the sky.

"I didn't have much to work with," Aonung mumbles as he walks towards me.

My thigh hurts slightly, but not enough to worry about it. I'm sure it's just a small cut and Aonung is being dramatic.

"If Xayk doesn't come back and we never get rescued, we'll have to repopulate Pandora," Aonung smirks.

That's doesn't make sense

"I'd rather die," I scoff, refusing to look at him.

"Sure," Aonung says sarcastically.

I just roll my eyes, not bothering to engage in conversation with him again. He's too infuriating.

"Xayk!" I yell again, cupping my mouth so my voice projects further.

"I don't think he's coming back," Aonung shakes his head.

"He is," I say firmly.

"Ok," Aonung mumbles, kicking the sand underneath his feet.

Negative bitch

The sun felt so close today, it's boiling. Sweat stuck to my dark skin, the back of my neck drenched.


I look over at Aonung to see him also covered in sweat. He rested his hands on his hips, staring up at the sky with close eyes.

My ears picked up when I heard a faint flap, a familiar flap. My tail pointing up slightly as I feel hope. I step forward, calling out to Xayk in a traditional Omaticayan way.

"What are you doi-,"

Aonung is cut off when we see Xayk flying towards us and Jake and Tonowari approaching on their Tsuraks.

"Aonung, Takara?!" Tonowari yells out.

"Help!" Aonung grumbles loudly.

They arrive, hopping off their Tsuraks and walking towards us. Tonowari hugs his son and Jake hugs me.

"What we're you thinking?" Jake whispers, trying to sound mad but he just sounded scared.

"I'm okay," I pat his back.

Pulling away from the hug, Jake smiles at me. He rubs the top of my head, something he did a lot when I was younger.

"Tonowari, Aonung needs medical attention quickly," I turn to him, pointing at Aonungs stomach.

"We better get back then," Tonowari says firmly.

I walk towards Xayk, smiling, so grateful that he understood me. As I make Tsaheylu my thigh suddenly stings and Xayk squawks loudly.

He flutters his wings, stepping back and our Tsaheylu disconnects. "Xayk," I whisper.

"I think you should just ride with me," Jake rests a hand on my shoulder.

"I can do it," I shake my head. 

"Your hurting Xayk, whatever hurts you, hurts him," Jake reminds me.

"Fine," I mumble, patting Xayk before walking behind Jake towards his Tsurak.


The pain in my thigh began to kick in once we arrived back at the island. I jumped off Jakes Tsurak and it sent a shock up my leg.

I collapsed onto the soft sand, my legs couldn't hold me anymore. My hands fly to the back of my thigh, holding it to try and minimise the pain in anyway.

Metkayinas gathered around Tonowari and Aonung who had a large wound across his stomach. I attempted to bandage his wound with what we had but it won't last very long.

"Get the Tsahik!" Jake yells as he kneels down next to me.

I saw Aonung trying to walk towards me but many Navi stood in his way. Surrounding him as they asked where their future Oley'ktan had been, if he was okay.

"How much does it hurt?" Jake whispers, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I lie down, turning onto my side as I bury my face into the sand. My thigh lays on the sand, the cut facing Jake.

"A lot," I whisper.

I feel Jake touch the area around my wound, making it sting even more.

"She got bit my an Akula, she must have bled out a lot because she was too busy taking care of me," I hear Aonung tell Jake.

My whole body shivers and I suddenly feel so cold. Brining my knees to my chest as I bury my face deeper into the sand.

"Move, out of the way!" Ronal yells.

I hear her gasp, she probably saw Aonungs wound and how horribly I tried to fix it.

"T got bit by an Akula, attend to her first," Aonung tells her.

"Tsireya go get some drinking water, Aonung get everyone away from the beach, Jake find a large leaf to shade her, Tonowari get me some more healers," Ronal demands and I hear everyone scurry off.

"Everyone leave, go back to your Mauris," Aonung orders.

"Takara?" Ronal whispers.

I feel her shadow on me, blocking me from the sun. My thigh stings, and so does my shoulder.

"I'm okay, help Aonung," I manage to say.

"I need you to lay on your stomach," Ronal ignores me.

I slowly move, lying on my stomach as I bury my face in my hands, ashamed of how weak I am. Ronal gasps when she sees my wound and I flinch.

A cold breeze brushes past us and I shiver, then I pant. A sudden heat comes over me and I feel sweat form on my skin.

I open my eyes, looking out at the ocean. It looks blurry, has the ocean always been blurry? The sun's probably just in the wrong spot.

I could hear talking behind me, someone was shouting, I think their was crying. I couldn't tell, all I could see was the blurry ocean in front of me.

Then I couldn't see anything.


Don't worry queens
She's just in a silly goofy mood 🤪

How bad is T wound?

Don't forget to vote <3

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