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Takara POV

I paced back and forth on the soft sand, biting my nails as I cursed repeatedly. The sand began kicking out from under my feet and knocking my tail, it was annoying.

Ronal has been in labor since the afternoon and now the sun is rising. I've never been around a Navi giving birth but there's no way it takes this long.

What if she's hurt? What if the baby didn't make it and their mourning the death of yet another Navi.

"Tak - Takara will you stop that, your making me dizzy," Gelvu chuckles.

"Sorry," I mutter, sitting down next to him.

I was walking around in circles like a maniac on the beach when Gelvu ran into me. He calmed me down a bit and was now sitting on a rock.

"Why are you so worried?" He asks.

"What if something happened to the baby?" I whisper.

Ever since Juxcos death I've been staying in Gelvus Mauri. Originally it was because I didn't want him to be alone but it's really because I can't stand even feeling Spiders presence, and Spider is staying with the Sullys.

"Nothing bad will happen, the baby will be fine," Gelvu smiles.

Gelvu visits Juxco everyday at the Spirit tree and each time he comes back happier. He's gotten a lot better, he's healed well. Sometimes I'll hear him crying and I'll rush to his side but it's part of the process.

"What's really bothering you?" Gelvu tilts his head to the side.

"What?" I chuckles softly, confused by his question.

"I doubt Ronal being in labor for so long is what's really bothering you, so what is it?" He asks.


"Nothing," I shake my head.

"Takara, you can tell me," He pats my shoulder.

"My entire life I've been surrounded by death, everyone I've loved has died," Tears swell in my eyes. "I've never experienced life."

"And your worried Ronals child will face a harsh fate," Gelvu suggests.

"I am, I truly am," I sniffle.

"You don't need to be, that child will be safe and protected, nothing bad will happen to them," Gelvu attempts to comfort me.

"When we first arrived here Ronal was in her first stages of pregnancy, now she's in labor," I point to the distant area where I knew she was giving birth.

"And why is that so upsetting?" Gelvu ponders.

"It's stupid but, I feel like if something happens to that baby, something will happen to us," I feel stupid as I speak. "Like as if these last 9 months we've spent here didn't help anyone."

"It seems to me like you need this baby to be okay, because it will somehow make everything else okay?" Gelvu raises a brow.

"I guess," I chuckle whilst he laughs.

"Well in that case I'm positive the baby will be okay," Gelvu smiles.

"Thank you," I whisper, wiping away the tear that slipped.

"I'm going to see Juxco, let me know if the baby's a boy or girl when I get back," Gelvu stands up.

"Will do," I smile as he leaves.

I watch him dive into the water, swimming off on his Ilu to see his son again. Brining my knees to my chest I stay seated on the rock, deciding I shouldn't worry so much. Everything will be okay.

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