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"Alright prepare to go down!" Aonung slurs once we're far enough from the party so Navi won't see us.

"Whatever dick," I roll my eyes.

He throws a weak punch and I block it, trying to punch him but he hiccups.

"Your so bad," I laugh and he groans.

He goes to pull my tail and I push him to the side laughing loudly once I realise how shit he is when he's drunk.

"Your the next Oley'ktan and you can't even fight? Talk about disappointment," I mutter the last part with a smile on my face.

Aonung simply grunted, trying to ignore me as I circled him, pushing both my hands against his chest. The wide grin on my face did not lessen as he slapped my hands away and turned his back to me.

"Can you piss off now, I don't want to do this anymore," Aonung mutters.

What's his problem?

"Having a bad day all of a sudden? Realised your a worthless piece of shit?" I smirked, flashing my teeth.

Once more I re-engaged and pulled his queue. With wide eyes Aonung turned back to me and tried to grab my wrists, but I quickly pulled back.

"Seriously, what's your problem?!" His voice was louder this time. It didn't keep me from bothering him some more, punching against his chest.

"Damn why you change mood so quickly? One second you want to fight and next your like this? Your such a weirdo," I scoff.

"Fuck off!" He spits, trying to push me away but in response I only balled my fists, punching them into his stomach, trying to force him onto the ground.

"That means I win? Aonung the loser, the clans disappointment, sound fitting for a pussy like you-,"

That was the last bit that was needed to make him explode. In no time the man forcefully packed my wrists until I squealed and pushed me onto the ground, kneeling over me. He held my hands next to my head, teeth clenched as I tried to free myself.

"Is that what you wanted? Will you stop being an annoying freak now?" He groans, staring at me.

I bucked underneath him and mewled in frustration as his grip only tightened. Something hard pressed against my abdomen so I looked down at myself. As my eyes found the source of the pressure they widened in surprise.

"I'm not the one having a boner right now!" I laugh.

Aonung couldn't help but blush as I mentioned his bulge beneath the bit of fabric that covered him. He pursed his lips, tail shaking heavily against the ground.

"Wait, does that actually turn you on when I pick on you?" Somehow, it felt like an even greater victory than usual.

Aonung only growled as my surprised face turned back into a smirk. His blush intensified as I spoke.

"It does turn you on," I snickered, finding myself growing more curious about his erection.

His deadly gaze was still locked with my eyes. He couldn't look away now. It would definitely only underline my statements of him being a loser.

"Shut up bitch! I told you to stop trying to fight me but you really just can't listen can you?!" he hissed, baring his fangs.

Seeing him so turned on was, fun. Exciting almost. I felt my own core pulsing and throbbing the more I stared at his cock which only seemed to grow.

"You think you won, pussy?" I mumbled, ripping myself from his grip, tossing him over and switching places with the male so I sat on top of him as he wasn't paying full attention.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now