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Letting out a controlled breath I raise my bow and arrow. Finger placed on the arrow, one eye squeezed shut, elbow up, stomach in.

Once Veewa brought me back to land I decided I'd hunt for dinner tonight, so we had something to bring to the feast.

I grabbed my bow and arrow and headed straight to the forest. Bird was my best bet, everyone likes bird.

My eyes landed on my target, a bird finally resting on a branch instead of flying around everywhere.

I pull my arm back, increasing the power on the arrow. With my finger placed on the arrow I point towards the bird and get ready to release.

"T!" Someone calls out.


I let go of the arrow but it misses the bird and it flies away. My nostrils flare and my tail whips the air, as I slowly turn to face who made me lose my bird.

"You," I point to him.

"Me," Aonung smirks.

"You made me miss," I walk towards him quickly, clearly on a war path but he doesn't move.

"Or your just bad?" He asks with a smile.

"Ugh," I groan. "Can you leave?"

"No," He shrugs.

"How did you even find me?" I question as I walk towards my arrow that missed the bird.

"Tuk told me," Aonung says as I pull the arrow out of the tree trunk.


"You can leave now," I shoo him away as I prepare my bow for another target.

"No I want to watch," He leans against a tall tree.

"If you make me miss, I'll shoot you instead," I warn and he chuckles.

"Sure T," He nods his head sarcastically.

No matter how many times I've told him he can't call me 'T' he still continues to. Because he's a bitch.

"Nungie baby," I pout and he rolls his eyes.

"Bird," he points to a bird that had landed on a branch.

I quickly raise my bow and arrow, getting into the same stance I had before. There is no way I'm missing this bird.

Taking another deep breath I close my eyes briefly. Upon opening them my eyes lock onto the bird and I let my arrow fly.


It hits the bird straight in the head and I walk towards it immediately. I carefully take it off my bow and bring it towards the pouch I brought that was placed off to the side.

"See, I didn't make you miss," Aonung points out once I walk towards my pouch that was placed so inconveniently next to him.

"Surprisingly," I mutter.

"Do all Omaticaya use bow and arrows?" He asks.

"Other weapons are used but a bow and arrow was most common," I explain briefly.

"'Was'?" Aonung repeats the word I said.

"Was before the sky people came back, then everyone started using guns so they would have a fighting chance," I fully explain.

"Do you use one?" He questions.

"I know how to use one, but I will never use one," I say firmly as I stand up.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now