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"Again, again!" Tuk laughs loudly as I throw her up in the air.

I threw her up again, catching her bridal style and running around, pretending to drop her which makes her giggle.

"I'm going to drop you," I stop, letting go of her upper body so her legs just hand off my arm.

"T!" she shrieks, grabbing my legs with a smile.

Adorable laugh

I begin taking big steps, walking around with her clinging to my legs, her own legs wrapped around my waist.

Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tsireya and Roxto were sitting in some rocks beat by talking about Eywa knows what.

Tuk got bored of just sitting with them so she asked me if we could go play. I've been throwing her around for a while and she never gets bored.

"Can I ask you something T?" Tuk asks softly as she traces the patterns on my leg.

"Of course Tuk," I stop walking so she can get off me.

Once she's standing on her own feet I drop to my knees in front of me, holding her hands. She looks quite worried and it's scaring me.

"What's up?" I ask with a smile.

"Why do Navi here think we're weird?" She fiddles with my hands.

"Oh Tuk, their idiots, your not weird at all," I say firmly.

"I know I'm not, their the weird ones," Tuk mumbles and I laugh.

I stretch my arms out, asking for a hug which she gladly accepts. She wraps her tiny arms around me and I hear her sigh.

"Your so amazing Tuk, don't let anyone tell you different," I stand up, still holding her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Ok T," Tuk nods her head.

She still seemed sad so I placed my hands on her waist and throw her up into the air again. Tuk laughs loudly at my actions and her mood instantly changes.

"Repeat after me, 'I'm tuk and I'm amazing'," I hold her legs, making her upside down.

"I'm Tuk and I'm amazing," She smiles.

"What was that?" I cup my ear, holding her with one hand now and she laughs.

"I'm Tuk and I'm amazing!" She yells loudly.

"Yeah you are!" I yell as well, throwing her up in the air again.


Aonungs POV

I walked towards Tsireya, Roxto and 3 of the Sullys. I need to talk to her about something, something that is all the Sullys fault.

As I make my way closer I hear yelling and laughter in the distance. Looking to my left I see T throwing Tuk in the air as she laughs loudly.

"I'm Tuk and I'm amazing!" The small Navi yells.

"Yeah you are!" T yells, throwing her up in the air again.

I never pictured T as the kind of Navi to be good with kids. She's so cold hearted and stubborn, seems like kids would just annoy her.

T smiles so brightly as she throws Tuk up in the air and her smile only grows wider every time Tuk laughs. She has a nice smile.

"Brother!" Tsireya calls out once she sees me walking towards them.

"I need to talk to you," I say quickly.

"Oh," Tsireya quickly stands up, bidding goodbyes to the Sullys as we walk far enough so they won't hear.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now