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Aonung and I walked into a cleaning amongst the trees, a couple clicks north of where we where originally.

There were 3 targets. The targets were set up in the distance and made up of 3 circles of fine white sand sprinkled in precise shapes on the ground.

Aonung told me he had already collected the sand earlier in the day and laid out the rings in exchange for me to be the one that churned the sand into the dirt when we were done so the next person who came to train could easily set up the rings and get started.

Apparently he knew he was training me in spear today, just didn't decide to tell me. How kind.


Aonung grabbed my spear from my hand and placed it on the ground. I instinctively grabbed his spear and threw it away after he took mine.

"What was that for?" He furrows his brows looking at his spear on the ground.

"Slipped out of my hand," I lied weakly.

Aonung rolls his eyes, sighing as he walks over to where I threw his spear. He bends over to pick it up, checking for any marks or damage.

"You watch me first, then you try", he said, glancing over his shoulder to look at me.

"Must I remind you that I already know how to use a spear?" I cross my arms over my chest as he walks back to me.

"You might know how to use one, but I can guantee I'm better," He puts the tip of the spear into the soft dirt below us.

Gripping the handle of the spear his muscles flex under the small sunlight that creeps through the trees above us. The large tattoo on his shoulder traced down to his bicep, circling the muscle and drawing eyes towards it.

"You got a little drool," Aonung points to my mouth with a chuckle.

"Juxco said that before," I tilt my head to the side.

"Who do you think he got it from?" Aonung smirks.

I roll my eyes, biting the side of my cheek as I look at the targets to the left of me instead of Aonung who stands dangerously close in front of me.

"Eyes on me, nobody else is watching, so you can look at me as much as you want," Aonung moves my face to look at him by a finger on my chin.

"I worry for anybody that enjoys looking at you," I hissed while taking a step back, knowing he would need some space to move when he threw the spear.

Aonung watched me roll my eyes in amusement with a slight smile on my face, and he turned his face so I wouldn't see his sly grin.

"Let's start", he wasted no more time and held the wooden stick over his head.

He raised the spear, and using his other arm, he aimed to secure the direction he was throwing in.

Aonung could feel my eyes on him, and it made him cocky. He wanted to show off, to show me he was strong and worthy of praise.

Aonung pulled back his left leg, then after taking a breath, he threw it with as much strength as it took to land directly in the centre of the target.

The weapon shot through the air before the sharp spearhead dug into the ground with a thud, landing directly in the centre of the most petite ring. A perfect bullseye.

Lucky bitch

Aonung leaned back with a satisfied grin. He turned to look at me with the hopes I would be at least slightly impressed. I was still staring, blank expression on my face but I couldn't lie by just how gifted at the sport he was.

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