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"Come on, just a bit further," Aonung says excitedly as I trail behind him, our hands interlocked.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I giggle as we run.

As soon as the ceremony finished and Aonung finished his food he whispered in my ear, begging me to follow him so he could show me something.

I have no idea where we're going, or where we are. We've ventured way to deep into the forest for me to be able to tell.

"Alright close your eyes now," Aonung stops running and I close my eyes.

He picks me up bridal style and I laugh, clinging to his neck whilst my eyes squeezed shut. His pace picked up as he jogged towards what he wanted to show me. Eventually we slow down, and I feel him step onto something.

Aonung gently placed me down and I feel wood beneath my feet. I smell the ocean, I could feel sand on Aonungs hands as I clung to him.

"Open your eyes," he whispers in my ear.

Slowly, I open my eyes.

Holy shit

An extremely large, beautiful Mauri stood before us. It was hidden in the forest, great trees surrounding the humble home.

Turning around to face Aonung I notice our spot in front of the Mauri, I could see it through the trees.

Has this always been here? How have I never noticed it before, it's so big!

"This Mauri is beautiful Aonung, but why have you shown me it?" I ask.

"Because this beautiful Mauri is ours," He rests his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Pardon?" I whisper, finding this situation unbelievable.

"I started working on it the day we got back from being lost at sea, that's why my wound got so bad," Aonung explains. "But it was all worth it, to see this look on your face."

"I-," i pause, not knowing what to say. "It's so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Aonung smiles.

"Ew," I laugh at his line and he chuckles softly.

"I want to show you one more thing," He whispers, holding my hand as we walk into the Mauri.

We walk to the very back, giving me a chance to look at all the privacy curtains for rooms. There were a lot of rooms.

Once we reach a certain curtain Aonung let's go of my hand and undoes the knot, letting it fall down to reveal a beautiful room.

A large bed was in the centre, similar to Aonungs. Familiar weapons hung in rows against the wall.


"Are those my weapons?" I ask, walking towards them.

"Yes, the Sullys gave them to me as well as all your stuff," Aonung points around the room as I begin to notice everything that's mine.

"Aonung," I say softly. "Thank you."

"This is nothing, I would build a whole village for you," He rests his hands on my hips, pulling me against him.

I laugh at his comment and he smiles. I love his smile, it's so captivating. Tsireya told me that he never smiles, but I've never seen him without a smile on his face, even when he's going down on m-

"I don't know how to thank you," I smile.

"You don't have to repay me, but there is something we could do right now," He rubs his hips against mine, making me feel his boner.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now