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1 year later

"It's a girl," Ronal carefully places our third baby in my arms.

"Let me see," Tùsnua and Lubìta run towards Aonung as he picks both them up in each hand.

"Wow," Lubìta smiles.

"This is your little sister," I look up at the girls.

"She looks like dad, but with mums hair," Tùsnua furrows her brows.

Tùsnua is right, she has all of Aonung physical features; big tails, fins and light skin but she has my hair.

"What's her name, what's her name?" Lubìta asks excitedly.

I look up at Aonung, asking without words. We had discussed names before but never came to a decision.

"Her name is Viata," Aonung smiles.

"Hi Viata," Tùsnua waves, hugging Aonung as she looks at her little sister.

"Put me down?" Lubìta jumps out of Aonungs arms and stands next to me, touching Viatas head gently.

"Careful," I remind her.

"She's so cute," Lubìta chuckles, bringing her hands together at her chest as she looks intently at Viata.

"Tùsnua you okay?" Aonung asks, patting her back.

"Yea," Tùsnua nods her head, wiping snot from her nose and onto Aonung.

"Can we meet her?" Neytiri asks as her, the Sullys and Aonungs family stand in the doorway of the birthing Mauri.

"Of course," I smile.

"Ok let's let others meet her," Aonung holds Lubìta hand as they stand back.

"She's gorgeous," kiri smiles.

"What's her name?" Neteyam asks.

"Viata," I pass her slowly towards Neytiri so she can hold her.

"She's so cute," Tuk giggles.

"She has your eyes Tonowari," Ronal realises.

"That is one cute baby," Lo'ak smiles kindly.

My eyes flutter shut from exhaustion and I yawn loudly. Slowly I feel myself drift off to sleep, knowing Aonung will be there for Viata.


5 months later
Aonungs POV

I stared at the ceiling continuously, my eyes not even blinking. My body didn't feel tired at all and I can't get any sleep.

Takara's cuddled up to me right now, sleeping soundly like she deserves. She's had so many sleepless nights lately now that Tùsnuas just turned five.

I gently circle her back, wanting her to sleep better and not wake up. Lately she hasn't been sleeping, the fear becoming too much. Takara won't admit it but she's petrified that something will happen to our girls.

Her hand begins to shake on my chest, as she groans in her sleep. I immediately wake Takara up, sitting her up in front of me as her eyes open in shock.

"Hey your okay," I cup her face with my hands. "Your okay."

A tear rolls down her cheek as she rests her forehead against mine sniffling as she smiles softly.

"Thank you Aonung, for everything," Takara whispers.

"No thank you," I rest a hand on her stomach.

"Baby number 4," She chuckles.

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