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"I wish I'd been there, the ocean blessed you with a gift brother," Kiri smiles at Lo'ak.

We were sitting in a circle as Lo'ak told us about his ventures with a Tulkun when Aonung left him outside the reef, because he's a bitch.

"The Tulkun have not returned yet, and anyway no Tulkun is ever alone," Aonung leans forward as he explains the 'holes' in Lo'aks story.

Shut up

I stood next to Neteyam whilst he knelt on his knee. Everyone was sitting but I couldn't be bothered so I stood instead.

The waves were crashing gently against the shore. We sat under a tall palm tree, providing us nice shade on a hot day.

"Well this one was, he had a missing fin like a stump on the left side," Lo'ak pointed to his left arm.

"Poor Tulkun," Tuk whispers and I smile at her.

"Payakan," Tsireya holds Lo'aks hand before looking over to Roxto. "It's payakan."

"Who's Payakan?" Kiri furrows her brows.

"A young bull who went rogue, he's outcast, alone. And they say he has a missing fin," Roxto explains.

"They say he is a killer," Tsireya turns to Lo'ak.


"No, no," Lo'ak whispers.

"He killed Navi and other Tulkun, not here but far to the south," Aonung says slowly.

I cross my arms over my chest, tail wrapping around my thigh when I hear the word 'killed'.

I feel a pair of eyes burn into the left side of my face. I knew who's eyes they were, Aonungs. When I finally looked at him he tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows like he was confused by my appearance.

"No, he's no killer," Lo'ak tries to explain.

"Lo'ak, you are lucky to be alive," Tsireya says sympathetically.

I widen my eyes at Aonung, raising my brows as I mouth the words 'stop looking creep'. He just chuckles at that but still looks away anyway.

"I'm telling you guys, he saved my life, he's my friend," Lo'ak pleads for us to believe him.

"My baby bro! The might warrior who faced the killer Tulkun and lived to tell about it, huh?" Neteyam stands behind Lo'ak as he teases him.

"You guys aren't listening," Lo'ak stands up, clearly annoyed.

"Lo'ak I'm listening," Tuk smiles but he walks away.

"Lo'ak come back," Kiri calls out before turning to us. "You skxawngs."

"Why don't you believe him?" I uncross my arms from my chest as I look at all of them.

"Because Payakan is a killer," Aonung shrugs.

"You all realise that if Payakan was a killer Lo'ak would've died," I look over to Neteyam and he avoids eye contact.

"Lo'ak is lucky," Roxto suggests.

"No," I shake my head. "He's trying to talk to you all, he's trying to tell you about how he survived and none of you are listening."


"I'm leaving," I cut Neteyam off as I walk after Lo'ak.

I could see him faintly in the distance and so I break out into a jog. He looked so defeated, shoulders slumped, slow steps.

"Lo'ak," I call out once I'm closer to him.

"I know you don't believe but I swea-,"

"I believe you," I rest a hand on his shoulder. "I'll always believe you."

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now