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My eye squeezed shut tightly as I tried to focus on bringing a Navi back to fucking life. How the fuck am I suppose to do that?

"Eywa, I'm trying but I don't know how to," I confess, looking up to the sunny sky, not a single cloud in sight.

A sudden breath shivers down my back as I feel words spoken in my ear. There was no one behind me or anywhere near me, but I knew who it was.


She tells me to calm myself, think before I do and think about what it is I'm doing.

I sit down, crossing my legs and straightening my back as I close my eyes and think about Juxco standing in front of me when I open my eyes.

Come on Juxco

I slowly open one eye, secretly believing I did it but when light fills my eyes, I see no one. I see a fucking tree. The same fucking tree I've seen every time I try.

"Ugh," I groan, laying down and resting my arm across my face. "Eywa, am I doing something wrong?"

"Your trying to bring back the wrong person."

"Your getting clearer now, I can hear you well," I smile.

"T," Eywa chuckles.

"What?" I ask, taking my arm off my eyes and seeing Gelvu standing next to me. "Oh, hey Gelvu."

"Hey T, sorry to disappoint but I'm not Eywa," He shrugs.

"That's okay," I reassure him. "Was it you or Eywa who said I was bringing back the wrong person?"

"It was me, and I stand by it," Gelvu sits in front of me.

"You don't even know what I'm doing," My brows furrow as I pause.

"Aonung told me, he thinks your making a mistake and so do I," Gelvu explains.

Last night after Aonung made me come many more times, many, he asked me how my day was, and so I told him. I told him how I'm going to bring back Juxco, he didn't say anything at the time but clearly he thinks otherwise.

"Why am I making a mistake?" I ask.

"Because you need to bring back your mother, not Juxco," Gelvu says firmly.


"I see Juxco everyday and I'll continue but you have the opportunity to have your mother with you through all your big moments in life," Gelvu debates.

"My mum sai-,"

"Wouldn't you rather your mother be there when you give birth to Aonung and your first child, and don't you want her to be there for the many other children you'll have?" Gelvu tilts his head to the side.

"Who says we're having child-."

"Oh please, Aonung won't stop talking about how your going to be a fantastic mother," Gelvu shrugs.

"What?!" I shriek.

"We'll talk about it later," He rests a hand on my shoulder. "From what Juxco tells me your an incredibly selfless person, so please, for once in your life be selfish and choose your mother."


My fingers quickly snapped at his braids, undoing the existing ones. For every braid Aonung undid, I undid five.

He came to me, asking if I could help him braid his hair because he'd much prefer I do it then Ronal.

"How are you so fast?" Aonung asks once he sees all his curly hair laying on his shoulder.

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