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Fuck me

We've been gathered around this boiling hot fire for what feels like hours as everyone laughs and talks. Blah, blah, blah.

Aonung was engaging in conversation with the others but I wasn't even listening. I was just looking at Aonung.

The fire gave his skin a beautiful glow, it shining under the moonlight. Every time he laughs his face scrunches up and his muscles flex. It's a beautiful sight.

But I can't seem to drag him away.

Every time I think we'll be able to get away someone starts talking to Aonung again. It's infuriating.

"What do you think?" I hear someone ask but I assumed they weren't talking to me.

I feel a hand rest on my thigh, grabbing my attention as my eyes follow the large hand up their arm and large bicep to their gorgeous face.


"Pardon?" I ask.

"What do you think?" Aonung repeats.

"About what?" My brows furrow, I should've been listening.

"Do you think Zayv could do a head stand?" He asks, mouthing the words 'no'.

"No way," I shake my head.

"Yes I can!" Zayv slurs, standing up. "You all watch!"

Zayv walks a bit away from us and everyone turns to face him. As Zayv goes to do his hand stand Aonung wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to my feet.

He walks quickly, not letting my feet touch the ground as I hung onto his side.


Once we're far enough away Aonung puts me down, pressing my back against a large rock. Before I could form any thought he closed the distance that separated us. His lips found mine and he took advantage of my surprise to slide his tongue into my mouth.

My hands gripped on his shoulder as I felt his fingers dig into my waist; making me wince.

"I think we gotta take care of this," Aonung whispered into my neck, giving me goosebumps and slowly moving his hips forward.

I gasp as his pelvis rolled against mine. I was trapped between him and the rocks as he took advantage and bit my neck while grinding his hips into mine, breathing heavily on my collarbone.

He chuckled. My eyes darted to him as he was looking at his muscular thigh. I tilted my head with a questioning look. His eyes met mine.

"Well now, what is this?" Aonung asked, pointing at my tail which was firmly wrapped around his thigh.

Blood rushed to my cheeks at the realization. I snatched it away, embarrassed by it's actions. It felt like my tail had it's own life at the moment, or maybe not.

He quickly turned me around having my back pressed on his chest and lightly pushing my upper body into the hard surface.

My breath hitched as he grabbed the base of my tail, making me squeal in surprise. It speedily wrapped around his forearm as he lightly tugged on it.

"I think I really like your thin tail," Aonung smirked while he took my loincloth off.

He then proceeded to grind his clothed dick against my dripping entrance, tugging at my tail.

I felt him move his own loincloth revealing his shaft and lining up to my pussy. My walls clenched at the emptiness feeling, his cock pokes my hole.

"So wet for me already?" he said mockingly teasing my entrance.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now