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I knew who ever was holding me against them had a good reason because last time there was a Thanator so I stay still. But looking around, listening, smelling, I couldn't see anything. There was nothing of a threat to us.

I try to turn around it face who ever holds me so tightly but they don't let my head turn. They kept a strong grip on my mouth.

"Why are we still hiding?" I ask but it was muffled by their hand. With the hand on my mouth they tilt my head up.

Fucking shit

A large slinger was climbing along the tree above our head. Completely oblivious to the Navi below it.

Slingers are small agile creatures. They shoot venom from their tails and one slash of their claws could kill you in a matter of minutes.

They live in trees, watching for prey as they wait to attack. Their considered some of the most dangerous animals on Pandora.

What's most dangerous about them though is that there blind, so you can't make a sound, can't even breath. They tend to stay away from loud noises, like music or villages because it's too much for their ears.

The Slinger sniffs the air, crawling closer towards our heads. My tail instinctively goes to wrap around my thigh but is blocked by whoever's thigh is behind me and wraps around theres instead.

It climbs down from the tree, now on the ground. One of my hand grips the Navi behind me thigh out of fear, the other holds their hand that was on my waist.

A loud crash bangs in the distance and the Slinger immediately starts running towards it at the fastest speed I've ever seen.

Thank Eywa

What are the fucking chances that my first night on this stupid island I see a Thanator and a slinger.

I realise the Navis hand is still in my mouth and I try to pull it off but they kept it strong. So I separated my lips and licked the palm of their hand with my tongue.

They immediately extract their hand, gagging. I grab their hand twisting it behind their back as I yell.

"Hands off the goodies," I threaten when I realise who I'm threatening.


"Let go of me freak," He insults me but I let go anyway.

He stands up turning around to face me as he smirks. I stare at him with furrowed brows, confused on how he finds a way to smirk in every scenario. He's infuriating.

"I said let go," he smiles.

"I did," I point to his free arm and he laughs.

Once he finishes laughing and settles down he points between us and I see my tail wrapped tightly around his big thigh.

I immediately retract my tail, embarrassment written on my face but I don't give him the satisfaction.

"You really are blind aren't you?" He smirks, tilting his head to the side.

"I already told you Sea slug, I'm not fucking blind," I curse at him.

"Aren't you going to thank me?" He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I thank you? We'd be dead if I didn't scare off the Thanator!" I remind him.

"You'd be dead, if I hadn't of grabbed you," he reminds me.

"What were you even doing out here? Stalking me perv?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't flatter yourself tree hugger, I was with someone but they ran when they saw the Thanator," he tries to explain himself.

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