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We stood in hip deep water, well waist deep for everyone else but hip deep for Aonung, Roxto and I.

I held Tuk in my arms, she was tired after we spent almost an hour learning to swim. It was so fucking exhausting.

Aonung stood in front of us, making clicking noises with his tongue as he taps the water. He looks like a wanker.

There were also these random boys standing behind us. Just standing there, not doing anything. What is there purpose?

Many animals swim up to Aonung, whistling and turning in the water.

Aonung turns around to face us. "These are Ilu, if you want to live here you have to ride."

"There's 3 of us and 4 of you so Ill take Lo'ak, Roxto you take Tuk and Neteyam and Aonung takes Tak- T," She proposes.


I pass Tuk to Neteyam and we all walk towards Roxto. I didn't want to partner with Aonung so I'll just go with them.

As I was walking I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and I instantly knew who it was. Turning around I'm met with Aonung, smirking at me like a mad man.

"Yes?" I ask calmly.

"I have to take you, come on," He nods his head in the opposite direction of everyone else.

"That's okay, I don't mind," I try to take my wrist out of his grasp but he was quite strong.

"The sooner we get this done the sooner you can leave, alright?" He proposes.

"Fine," I sigh, taking my wrist away from his hand, walking with him.

"Do you only ride those flying things or are there any other animals?" Aonung asks.

"I ride others," I say plainly.

As we walked further into the water I wondered where we were going, I can't see any Ilus. I decide to ignore it and kept following him but eventually the water was up to my neck and his chest.

"Why are we going so deep?" I ask, confused.

"Because I find it better to go the Ilu rather than the Ilu come to us," Aonung smirks.

He's lying

"Nope," I shake my head, turning around and going to swim back but he grabs my tail, yanking it.

Fucks sake

"Look," he points to the Ilu swimming up to us.

I wriggle my tail out of his grasp and whip his stomach with it.

"Climb on the Ilu," he says sternly, trying to hide that my little tail whip hurt.

I put my hand out and the Ilu nudges his nose into it. I stroke his head, smiling to myself before coughing and swimming around to its back.

"So I just, hop on?" I check.

"Just throw a leg other," Aonung smirks.

"Why are you smirking fish?" I ask but still threw one leg over the Ilu and hopped on.

"Because your going to fail at this," He chirps.


"No I'm not," I cross my arms over my chest.

If there's one thing people can count on me for is my stubbornness and thirst to always prove a point.

"Sitting like that you are, and your also blind in one eye? Let me help you," He reaches a hand forward, resting it on my upper thigh to try and shift it.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now