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We moved to the damp sand, his back laying against it as I straddled his lap, holding onto his shoulders for support.

His hands found their place on my waist as my lips crashed into his again. He let out a satisfied groan, shifting his hands down to my hips. I grabbed the sides of his head to deepen the long overdue kiss, instinctively grinding into him.

His huge hands guided my hips to create the right amount of friction. Us both moaning into the kiss at this point. I could feel his cock growing by the second, and he could feel the pool between my legs. It was absolutely bliss.

"May I?" Aonung asked in between kisses, tugging on the back of my loincloth.

"You can do whatever you want to me." I spoke breathily, moving down to his neck, leaving hickeys on his skin.

"Mmm baby, don't get me started." He grunted, planting sweet pecks on my shoulder as he untied my loincloth from around my tail.

He tapped my thigh, signaling for me to sit up briefly for him to pull the loincloth from underneath me, and I happily obliged.

An immediate flow of my slick trickled down to his thighs. I was more than ready for him, and had been for some time now.

"Take this off," I whispered in his ear as I tugged on his loincloth with great force.

He let out a soft chuckle at my sudden eagerness. He shifted me to my back, with him now kneeling between my legs. His eyes trailed down my entire body, my freckles glistening under the dark sky.

"So beautiful." He shook his head in awe, reaching behind himself to untie his loincloth, the fabric dropping to the ground beneath him.

His cock sprung up, hitting his belly with a loud, heavy slap. A string of precum oozing out of his tip. The freckles on his shaft dancing individually in anticipation. My legs had intentionally opened alittle more. I reached out, my fingertips just barely grazing over the base in wonder. He let out a soft gasp, his tail hitting the ground with force repeatedly in excitement.

"So beautiful." I smirked, leaning back on the ground, ready for him to take me as his.

Ready for him to have his way with me. He smiled warmly at me, grabbing his cock to jerk it off slowly.

He then proceeded to thrust in between my wet folds, earning a soft moan from me. I whined, grabbing his cock to line it up with my aching hole. His eyes widened in anticipation, letting me take control for right now. With one simple push, I slide him into me slowly, my walls immediately sucking him in. We both let out a series of moans.

"Fuuuck," He whimpered, gripping my hips to thrust into me expertly.

Immediately hitting all the right spots in a matter of seconds. My back arched off the sand, exposing the large print in my lower belly with every hard thrust into me.

I whined in pleasure, head tilted all the way back as my eyes rolled. The pleasure was consuming the both of us, more so me. I couldn't seem to control the sounds that came out of my mouth, or the faces I made. It's like Aonung had complete control over me.

My hands found their way to my face, trying to hide myself from him. My screams becoming muffled instantly. His thrusts quickened, and deepened. His tip constantly slamming against my sweet spot.

"No, no, no baby. I wanna see you." He spoke lowly, gently grabbing my hands, holding both of my wrists in one of his large hands as he continued to fuck into me like it was the last time he'd see me.

I tucked my bottom lip into my mouth. Eyebrows furrowed, and face screwed in pleasure as I tried desperately to hide my cries.

"Let that shit out, you know you can't hold it forever," His baritone voice soothing my eardrum just right.

He sent me slow, hard strokes. So intense that I had no other choice but to drop my jaw. Small whimpers escaping through with every meeting of his pelvis to mine.

Aonung licked his bottom lip as he stared into my eyes. He shifted my legs over his shoulders, before placing his hands on either side of my head. I was nearly folded in half. His face hovering just over mine, so there was no excuse not to look at him. He was deeper than he'd ever been, closer than he'd ever been.

I whimpered, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. He just watched me in awe. I was so pretty taking all of him, and he couldn't get enough.

He moaned, rolling his hips into mine as he stared down at my flustered face, waiting for a reaction.

"Ohhh my- Aonung! I-I love you!" i screamed, legs beginning to shake.

He nodded in satisfaction, his breaths becoming short and heavy.

"Mmm, I love you too T," He confesses, a slight whine in his tone before his bottom lip found comfort between his teeth.

I could feel it, my stomach began to contract, almost like I was exercising. Every stroke was revealing trickles of my arousal flowing down to the surface beneath me, and it was becoming too much for Aonung to bare as well.

"Shit T, you're gonna make me fucking cum," He whined, before his lips crashed into mine.

We both muffled each other's loud moans as our peeks neared.

"Aonung I-I" I moaned deliriously between kisses.

Pulling him in for another kiss whilst he sent me one hard thrust, rolling his hips into mine again with a loud growl against my lips. My eyes crossed in pleasure. My legs began to tremble uncontrollably, slipping off his shoulders and to the side of his hips. I pulled him into me, wrapping my arms around his neck as I let go on him.

"Yes! I-I'm cumming!" I whimpered, walls fluttering around his sensitive shaft.

He let out a series of low groans and growls as he emptied himself inside of me. Thrusting into me languidly as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

He moaned loudly, rubbing his head into my neck. Aonung sent me one last stroke before leaving himself inside of me. We both caught our breath as he laid ontop of me.

He flipped us both over, I was now ontop of him and he laid flat across the rock. We were now face to face. Sharing the same breath. It was beautiful.

"If you'd let me, I'd love to see what's going on in this beautiful mind of yours," Aonung smiled, grabbing his queue, bringing it In between us.

I watched his trendils dance. I lazily reach behind me, grabbing my queue to bring it to the forefront. It was almost like a magnetic force, the way both of our trendils pulled towards eachother like they belonged together.

We both watched as they connected. Pupils blown with an audible gasp from both of us. It's like our memories of eachother were in sync. A picture in my mind playing all the moments we spent with eachother. Only things that's we would share, now and forever.


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