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Takara's POV

Xayk soared threw the air, wings flapping to a beat as he glided above the clouds. It's so peaceful up here, I can reach out and touch the clouds.

Everything up here is so calm, except for the very large, scared Navi clinging to my waist, head hurried in my neck.

"Just opens your eyes," I groan, shaking my shoulder so he'll move.

If I knew he was going to be such a pain I wouldn't of brought him with me. This is suppose to be relaxing and he's too scared to even open his eyes.

"How high are we?" He squeaks.

"Just above sea level," I lie.

Aonung lifts his head off my shoulder and slowly opens his eyes. Once he sees the amazing view, sun setting behind another planet his fear immediately disappears.

"Wow," Aonung smiles.

"Not something you see everyday huh?" I smirk, looking down at Xayk and patting his head.

"Not from up here," Aonung stares in awe, his hands loosening their impeccable grip against my waist and resting on my hips instead.

"Your welcome," I say in a sing-song voice, something Tuk does.

"Did you fly a lot in the forest?" Aonung asks.

"Whenever I could," I smile at the memory.

I had my own Mauri, I ate with the Sullys and was always with them but I slept in my own Mauri. At nights when I'd feel lonely or unable to sleep Xayk and I would go for a fly.

"What's it like being the future Oley'ktan?" I ask, I've always wondered.

"Stressful, and if I don't find a mate in time the roll goes to Tsireya and she becomes Tsahik," Aonung sighs.

"Tsireya would make a nice Tsahik," I nod my head.

"That what everyone says," He mumbles, tracing the patterns on my back with one of his fingers.

I could tell he doesn't enjoy hearing how great his sister will be at something he's suppose to do. Aonungs probably never heard someone say 'but you'll be a good Oley'ktan'. What am I kidding? Of course he has.


"I think you'll make a great Oley'ktan," I mumble, hoping he doesn't hear me.

"What?" Aonung grabs my shoulders, pulling me against his chest so he can see my face.

"Hm?" I avoid eye contact.

"What did you just say?" Aonung smirks, eyebrows raised.

"It wasn't important," I shake my head, trying to sit up straight again but he tightens his grip on my shoulders.

"I'm not letting you go until you repeat what you said," Aonung says as he leans back on Xayk and forces me to come down with him.

"I can get out of this very easy you know," I sigh.

"Try," Aonung smirks.

I roll my eyes, glad to finally prove him wrong. I tell Xayk to fly smoothly for a bit longer and then to suddenly drop.

When Xayk suddenly drops Aonung and I are forced forward, because I knew it was coming I prepared to hold on but Aonung didn't and when we suddenly drop he smacked into my back.

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