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Third Person POV

"Just a bit further," Aonung says as they walk through the forest.

T and Aonung were walking through the forest, heading towards where he taught her how to breathe. Somehow Aonung convinced her to come with him.

It wasn't very hard though, T wanted to go with him. That why she send Juxco away.

Once Juxco left Aonung asked if he could show her something. When T asked what, he said she'll have to find out.

T can tell where they're going because she remember how to get there. She remembers majority of the forests layout because she's been here for 6 months now and has been figuring it out.

"Do you know where we're going?" Aonung asks.

"Yes," She rolls her eyes, barely able to hide her smile every time he talks.

The inside of her mouth has been bitten at and gnawed ever since she met Aonung. T subconsciously but her cheek to stop a smirk adorning her face.

"Well in that case, lead the way," Aonung rests a hand on her waist, pushing her forward.

She slap his hand off and walks confidently to where she knew they were going. Aonung wasn't lying when he said it was just a bit further because they already arrived.

"I guess you did know," Aonung stands next to her as she admire the landscape.

There's something so unbelievably beautiful about this place, T can't quite figure out why though.

T could feel Aonungs eyes on her, he stared at her as she stared at the beach. Feeling conscious she turns her head away, looking to the side before turning back to him.

T has always felt weird when Navi look at her, like she was under examination. But it felt different when Aonung looked at her.

"What did you want to show me?" She asks.

"This," He gestures to the beach they stood on.

"I've seen this before though," T reminds him as she walks closer to the water.

"I know but, why not see it again?" He smiles.

T walks up to the water, letting it kiss her feet as the small waves topple over each other. Her smile grows when she see a small school of fish swimming.

Aonung stood behind T and to the left, able to see her smile lighting up from the moons reflection on the water. Her smile was captivating and beautiful, Aonung couldn't take his eyes off her when she smiled.

"Your so beautiful," Aonung says.

She instantly turns around to face him. He smiles warmly at her, his eyes shimmering under the moon.

His blue eyes were like the ocean and the sky. They were the kind of eyes all Metkayina had, but his were different, different to her.

T just chuckles, facing the water again but couldn't help the smile that creeped onto her face. She didn't bite her cheek this time.

Aonung moves closer, standing just behind her, their body's barely touching.

He brings a hand to her shoulder, moving her hair that rested on it out of the way. Aonung then leans down and rests his chin between her neck and shoulder, his chin touching T's collarbone.

"Aonung," She whisper, a slight pain in her voice.

"T," He whispers back, no pain in his voice.

"I ca- we can't," She steps away form him and his chin slips from her shoulder.

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