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"Please!" Lo'ak begs, walking behind me as I walk through the village.

"I'm busy," I shrug.

I didn't have anything to do right now but anything is better than babysitting Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk and the human.

"Please T," Tuk whines.

They wanted to go out to the forest even though there not allowed and we all know if I'm with them Neytiri and Jake we'll be less annoyed.

"I have things to do," I dismiss them.

"Please!" They all beg.

"I-," I pause, not knowing how to get out of this. "Fine."

"Yay!" Tuk giggles, grabbing my arm.

"Does he have to come," I point to spider.

"Yes," Lo'ak nods.


"But I don't want him to," I say blankly.

"I'm right here," He mumbles as I shoot him a glare.

"Unfortunately," I mumble back.

"Let's go," Tuk pulls me along behind her as we all began our escape from high camp.

We ran through the forest, jumping and leaping as they all laughed and talked. I stayed behind everyone, making sure nothing happens to them.

Tuk stops in front of a plant and reaches her hand out to it. The plant grabs on to her hand and she giggles.

"Tuk! Keep up!" Lo'ak groans, ushering his little sister towards him.

"Okay, okay," she grumbles.

"Bro, why'd you bring her anyway?" Spider runs fast to keep up with us.

"She's more helpful than you," I tap his breathing mask and he swats my hand away.

"She's such a crybaby, she's all 'I'm telling, your not suppose to go to the battle field'," Lo'ak mimics Tuks voice.

We all stand in a line in front of Lo'ak as he does so. Tuk on my left as I look down at her cute face.

"'I'll tell mum if you don't let me come'," Lo'ak continues to mock her.

Tuk leans forward, sticking out her tongue as she does so and making a weird noise.

"Don't pick on her," kiri warns.

"Let's keep moving, you wanted to see a fallen jet, let's see one," I gesture my hands forward and they all start running again.

They were bored and wanted to see a fallen jet from the war 15 years ago so that's where we're going.

"Woah, check it out," Lo'ak climbs up towards the jet, Spider close behind him.

"Are there any dear bodies up there?" Tuk wonders.

Weird question

I notice Kiri seperate from us as she walks into the distance. I let her go, knowing she'll be safe.


"Come Tuk," I hold her hand as we began our run back to high camp.

It's getting too late in the day now and if we want to make it back in time before eclipse we need to move now.

Lo'ak runs in front of us with Spider close on his tail when he suddenly slows down. He jumps off the log we were running on to look at something.

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