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Ronal POV

Making my way through the many groups of Navi I say my greetings. I wish them well, catch up on the drama and then move onto the next group.

It's nice having time to actually talk to Navi now. Two of my children have finally grown up and I can get some peac-

"Mum, Mum, mum, mum," Tsireya squeals as she runs towards me.

"Yes Tsireya?" I ask.

"T is freaking out, she thinks Navi are going to judge her," Tsireya pants, puffed because she ran to me.

I suck my bottom lip between my teeth mentally cursing as I look around for some kind of solution.

Tonowari and A'nya catch my eye. He stood off to the side, holding her in his arms as he spoke softly, trying to get her to sleep.

He's always been so great with kids, I wouldn't have been able to do it without him. Whenever I'd get a bit too upset or nervous he was always able to calm me down.

"Get Aonung to talk to her," I advise, knowing I'd want Tonowari to talk to me.

"Good plan," Tsireya nods before running off again.

She only ran a couple paces before she stopped and just walked, too tired to run. She's definitely my daughter.

"I wonder who the new Tsahik will be?" I hear some younger girls mutter.

"She's so lucky to mate with Aonung, I wonder if she's pretty," Another one says.


"I don't know how she even got Aonung to mate with her, he's rejected like every single girl," A girl rolls her eyes as she speaks.

"Wait, what if it's that Tsaheylun girl, I saw her and Aonung holding hands," One realises.

"Why are you only just now telling us this!" One whisper yells.

"I didn't think much of it," She shrugs.

"Why would Aonung like that freak," One scoffs.

"Don't be rude," The girl who told on Aonung and Takara defends.

I'm about to turns around and say something, they've gone on long enough but as I'm turning around I see Aonung standing behind the girl who called Takara a freak.

His tail was wagging behind him, his brows furrowed and forehead creased as his nostrils flared. Aonungs ears stuck out like spears on his head, like as if smoke was coming out of them.

"What did you just say?" He asks and they jolt around to see their future Oley'ktan standing furiously behind them.

They all stay silent, avoiding eye contact with Aonung, staring at the ground as their tails dropped between their legs.

I know Aonung is going to cause a scene as he defends Takara so I stand in front of him, resting a hand on his shoulder as I shake my head.

"Go find Tsireya, now," I demand.

"What no," Aonung shakes his head.

"Its for 'her'," I widen my eyes in hopes he'll understand me.

Aonung narrows his eyes looking at me weirdly before his entire face softens and his mouth parts into an 'o' shape. He turns around immediately, looking for Tsireya as he rummages through the crowd.

"You three are no longer welcomed to this ceremony," I turn back to the girls. "Leave!"

They all scurry away, running with their heads down as they sprint away from me.

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