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The tracker finally comes out, my bow and arrows flies to my hand and everyone swims to their Ilus.

"Go that's way! I'll draw them off!" Neteyam yells.

"I'm going with you," I follow Neteyam as we swim off.

We swam fast, dodging coral as we went as far from the others as we could.

Something loud drops into the water and Neteyam knocks off his Ilu slightly but regains his composure.

Once we're far enough Neteyam drops the tracker in some coral and we continue swimming away.

"I'm going to find some land," I sign to Neteyam and he nods.

I need Xayk, I need to be in the air. Looking up, I see a small rock above the water that I can stand on. Veewa swims up and I jump off, standing up on the rock and calling for him.

From here I could see Ikrans flying over water, avatars. Fucking shit.

I call out again and see Xayk in the distance, flying towards me quickly. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes briefly as I prepare for what's to come.

Xayk lands next to me and I make Tsaheylu, hopping on and flying off immediately.

We circle around the 3 brothers rocks, keeping and eye out from a distance. So far no Navi where being taken or killed.

Their probably hiding in the water, or maybe they got away? I pray to Eywa their all okay.

I spoke too soon.

Lo'ak, Tuk, Juxco and Tsireya are all cuffed to the railing of the ship.


Navi yipping catches my attention and I see all the Metkayina approaching on their Tsuraks to save us.

I see Neytiri circle the air and I fly towards her. She sees me and nods her head, ready for the war that's to begin.

Neytiri trained me, I became a warrior because of her. Since she's the one who trained me, we can communicate without talking when it comes to fighting.

I go around the back of the ship, flying low to not raise awareness and obtain the element of surprise. Quartich presses a gun to Lo'aks head and I flinch.


I raise my bow, lining the arrow up to aim at Quartichs head. If I shoot him now the rest of the avatars will kill my friends, but I want to kill Quartich so bad.

Quartich ripped Lo'aks communication device from his neck, bringing it up to his own ear as I presume he talks to Jake.


Jake will do anything for his kids, including risk his own life. As Jake swims forward alone, no weapon in hand I breathe heavily.

Please no

Quartich keeps his gun to Lo'aks head even when Jake comes forward. Jake didn't even look scared, he had every gun the humans had pointed at him and he didn't care.

He looked relieved.

I'm not, I'm going to fucking kill Quartich if it's the last thing I do.

Suddenly Payakan surfaces, jumping over the ship and squashing most on board. He kills, unlike the Tulkun way. My way.

"Payakan!" Tuk yells excitedly.

"Hyah!" Jake yells as they all charge towards the ship on their Tsurak, shouting war cries.

I circle the sky, shooting down any jets with my bows, but I'm running out. I know I need a gun, it's more effective.


Xayk and I fly over the ship, waiting for Payakan to submerge in the water again so we can get on the ship.

Their were boats heading towards Payakan and so I shoot the pilot, their boat crashing into a large rock.

Looking around I see all the Metkayina fighting, and their doing well.

I chant a war cry, raising my bow in the air before ditching the gun idea and going after the people on lower deck.

My arrows fly, one after the other as I kill as many humans as I could. The little fuckers deserved it.

Payakan flicks his tail and causes a boat to fly onto the big ship and blow up. The fire spread suddenly as the humans turned on their propellers.


They head straight for a large rock, flying over it and crafting into the ocean, water pouring on board.

Neteyam jumps onto the ship, knife in hand as he cuts Tsireya and Tuk loose. I jump off Xayk, cutting Lo'ak and Juxco free.

"Who's the mighty warrior?" Neteyam chuckles.

"Take Tuk and leave, get back to the village," I tell Tsireya and she nods.

I grab a gun from one of the dead bodies near by, checking it's loaded, grabbing extra ammo and throwing it over my shoulder with my bow.

"Lo'ak!" Neteyam grunts.

I turn around and see Lo'ak holding a gun, not leaving like he needs to.

"They've got Spider, we've gotta get him, come on," Lo'ak stands up.

"No absolutely not," I shake my head.

"T I know you don't care about Spider but he's my friend," Lo'ak pleads.


I grit my teeth, pausing as I try to think what to do right now.

"I'll go with them, I'm a trained warrior," Juxco suggests.

"If anything happens to any of you, except spider, I'll kill you myself," I threaten, jumping onto Xayk and flying off.

Now that I had a gun and extra ammo I didn't have to worry about wasting arrows. I fly around the ship, killing anyone I see. This goes on for what feels like hours, but it was only a couple minutes.

Looking up at the sky I see eclipse beginning, it will be dark soon. I won't be able to see their faces as I kill them, what a shame.

I see Quartich on deck, walking into the ship and I immediately jump onto the ship, running after him. He grabs Tuk, pushing Tsireya off the shop.

Why the fuck is Tuk here!?

They begin strapping Tuk to the rail, treating her harshly. Quartich steps to the side and I see he has Kiri too.


I raise the gun, ready to shoot when someone hits me in the back of the head with their own gun. I groan, falling onto the floor as I try to stay awake.

"Look boss, it's that devil," Someone chuckles, I couldn't understand what they were saying, they were speaking human.

"Strap her to the rail, we can still win this," the leader says as I finally slip out of consciousness.


Rad chapter 😃
And keep in mind that T is the 18, the same age Neytiri was in Avatar 1 so she is just as experienced as Neytiri when she was 18.

Will they be okay?

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