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I quickly weaved the thick plants through each other to help create new Mauris. Omaticayas specialty was weaving so Ive learnt from a young age.

Since Ronal saved Kiri I insisted if she need help with anything that I would help her. I saw her weaving in the village and offered to help. We've been talking about my clan.

"Did Eywa bless you with a gift?" Ronal asks, looking up at me.

"She did," I nod my head. "I can connect with weapons made form the spirit tree back at home. Control them with my mind."

"Can you show me?" Ronal raises her brows.

"Sure," I smile, handing her my knife.

"Why do I need thi-,"

I put my hand out and my knife flies to it. Putting my knife back in the holder on my thigh Ronal smiles.

"That's amazing Takara," She smiles at me.

"Yea," I lie.

I don't think it's amazing. I hate being a Tsaheylun, it's gotten everyone I ever loved killed. I'm the only Tsaheylun left, talk about survivors guilt.

"How is Kiri doing?" Ronal asks, paying her attention back to weaving.

"She's much better, thank you so much for helping," I thank her again and she chuckles.

"You've thanked me many times and I was simply doing what any Tsahik would do, I don't know why they bothered bringing the human in," Ronal grimaces.

"That's what I said," I roll my eyes.

"How old are you?" She asks suddenly.

"18," I reply quickly.

"Aonung is 18, I hope he's been nice to you," Ronal says.

"He's fine," I shrug.

I wasn't going to tell on Aonung to his mum, that's just annoying. I don't care if Aonung gets caught or not, I'll call him out either way.

"He thinks he can do whatever he wants because he's the future Oley'ktan and I've been trying to teach him that's not the case," Ronal scoffs and I smirk.

"Tell me about it," I roll my eyes again.

Its weird that I'm having such a fun time talking to Ronal. She's actually quite kind once you get to know her.


I turn around, seeing Juxco walking towards me with a big smirk on his face. I smile back before turning to Ronal.

"I'll finish these, you can go," She smiles and I thank her again before walking towards Juxco.

"Hey Juxco," I smile.

"There's another party in the forest tonight, there will be other 15 year olds if your friends want to come," Juxco suggests.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"Oh come on, they should have fun as well, I'm not drinking tonight so I'll keep an eye on them," He promises and I raise my brows.

"I'll have to talk to them," I say sternly and he nods.

"Alright, it's the same place as last time, please come," Juxco calls out as he walks away.

I start walking towards the Mauri so I can ask if they want to come. I doubt they will.

"Honey I'm home," I call out, walking into the Mauri.

"Hey T," Kiri smiles.

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