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I feel my throat closing up and my lungs aching for air. We've been behind this fucking rock for forever, the Akula won't leave. I can barely even see the Akula now that it's so much darker.

I've been trying to hold my breath, closing my eyes and trying to focus and it's been working. But it can only work for so long.

Turning to Aonung I tap his shoulder. "Can't breathe."

I'm very bad at signing. Tsireyas tried teaching me but I just get distracted.

"You need to hold your breath for longer," Aonung signs quickly but I understood most.

"Can't," I sign, visibly struggling.

Aonung moves close to me, placing a hand on my lower stomach which he puts pressure on. He puts his other hand on my chest and puts pressure there to.

I try to calm my heart beat, attempt to slow it down. I've been in life threatening situations before, I can handle this.

"No," I sign quickly, trying to swim up but Aonung grabs me.

"The Akula will kill you," he signs aggressively.

"I need to breathe," I push him off me and swim as fast as I can to then surface.

As soon as I reach the surface I take shallow breaths, trying to get as much air as I can. Looking down I try to see the Akula or Aonung but I can't see either of them.


I take one final breath before swimming back under the water. The ocean wasn't all black, I could see some things.

But I know the Akula could see me. My bioluminescent freckles were brighter than the Metkayina. I swim towards the rock, hoping to see Aonung but he's not there.


I look around frantically, praying to Eywa he didn't leave me with the Akula. Hopefully he just got eaten. Wait no, I'd still be alone. But the Akula wouldn't be hungry.

A sudden tap on my shoulder makes me turn my head quickly. It was just Aonung though.

"You good now?" Aonung signs, clearly frustrated.

"Yes," I nod my head. "Where Akula?"

"I don't know, I lost sight of it," Aonung sighs slowly.


My ears pick up when I hear a thump on the sea floor. Aonung hears it to, bringing a hand to his lips, asking for silence.

I turn around slowly, Aonung doing the same as we go back to back, checking all directions for the Akula.


The Akula rams into us, Aonung front on and I was behind him. I try to turn around but the Akula was swimming to fast. Aonung grabs my hand and roughly pushes me to the side, away from him and the Akula.


I grip my shoulder, groaning in pain. Aonung pulled my arm so hard and the Akula was pushing against him.

Aonungs still being pushed roughly in the water by the Akula and soon the Akula is going to slam Aonung into something.

My throat starts to close up again and so I swim to the surface, taking a quick breath before swimming back down again.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now