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2 years later

Gently I placed the final flower in Lubìta's hair, leaning back to admire my work. She asked me to do her hair like I do mine.

"Do I look pretty?" Lubìta asks as she turns around.

"You look beautiful," I smile.

"No!" Hyvä screams as he runs around the Mauri, Aonung chasing after him.

"You have to wear pants!" Aonung groans.

"Ew," Tùsnua gags at her little brother running around naked before going back to helping Viata with her hair.

As Hyvä runs past me I grab his arm, picking him up by his foot and he laughs loudly as he hangs off my arm.

Hyvä looks identical to me; he has dark skin, light hair, thin tail, and a smaller frame but his eyes are blue. He's also extremely skilled at climbing. Aonung and I lose him at least three times a day because he climbs anything he can.

"Pants, now," I say firmly, a hint of playfulness in my eyes.

"Fine," Hyvä walks towards Aonung once I put him down and puts his pants on.

"Tùsnua do you need help with your hair?" I ask, placing a hand on her shoulder.

It's Tùsnua's seventh birthday and we're celebrating with the rest of the clan; everyone's welcomed.

"No I can do it," She shakes her head.

"Tùsnua, let me help," I squat down to her level.

"Okay," Tùsnua mumbles.

I smile, gently brushing her hair with my fingers as I ask what she'd like me to do. Once I have an idea in mind I begin working on her hair.

Aonungs loud groan makes us all look over to him. He stands with one hand on his hip and the other pinching between his brows in distress.

"I lost Hyvä again," Aonung explains before going to look for him.

We all laugh at Aonung and Hyvä. We've never really had any trouble because the girls have been so laid back but Hyvä is crazy.

Lubìta and Viata join Aonung in their hunt for Hyvä; calling his name and bribing him with food.

"Hey mum?" Tùsnua asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"Remember how you told us our ancestors are Tsaheylun?" She reminds me.

"Yes I know," I chuckle softly.

"And you know how you can connect with weapon that we're made from the home tree because you were gifted by Eywa?" She says softer.

"Yes- where is this going?" I pause, finishing her hair and moving so I'm in front of her.

"Will we get gifted?" Tùsnua asks, referring to her sibling and herself.

"I don't know, I'd have to ask Eywa," I bop her nose and she smiles.

"I want to be really fast in the water," Tùsnua jumps up, pretending to swim.

"I want to climb," Hyvä says as he jumps down from the roof.

"Found Hyvä!" I call out before picking him up.

I tickle his stomach and he laughs loudly, face scrunching up as he smiles and his mini fangs show.

"We've got to put a leash on you," I throw him up in the air, catching him as he laughs louder.

"Hyvä-," Aonung sighs. "There you are! We've got to go or we're going to be late."

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now