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As the sun arose and day began we made our way to where Juxco, Aonung and Tsireya where. I asked Neytiri to fly back to the island to find Juxcos family, she did so immediately.

Everyone could tell I was sad, I had tear stained cheeks and wobbly legs as I climbed onto the rock.


I gasp, raising my hand to cover my mouth as I see Juxco's dead body laying their lifeless. Tuk stands behind me, letting out a small cry as she stares at the dead body.

I quickly move her behind me, out of eye sight of his body. I made sure Tuk couldn't see, but I didn't take my eyes off him the entire time.

Slowly I walk towards him, squatting next to him and looking over his pale face. He was shot, blood had dried into a circle on his chest. Similar to Xayk. I muffle a cry, shaking my head as I close my eyes shut tight.

Aonung slowly sat down next to me, also staring in utter fear at his friends dead face.

As I looked over at him it occurred to me that Aonung has been friends with Juxco since they were kids. I've only known Juxco 6 months.

I immediately wrap my arms around Aonung and he buries his head in my collar bone. Stroking the back of his head a tear slips from my eye.

Aonung wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him as I feel tears drop onto my collarbone.

The thought of Aonung crying makes another tear break past my eyes and roll down my cheek.

A Metkayinas cries catches our attention, our heads looking up and seeing Juxcos father looking at his sons dead body, Tonowari and Ronal standing behind him.

"No!" He whales, dropping to his knees next to him.

His fathers cries make my ears shake as goosebumps break out onto my skin. I bury my head into Aonungs neck as I try and block out his sobs.

"My boy!" He screams.

Tonowari attempts to comfort the man but he wouldn't stop screaming and crying. Eventually Tuk started crying as well, it all becoming too much for her.

Aonung holds me tighter, giving me the chance to cry now as he stares guiltily at his friends body.

"He is with Eywa now, he's being protected," Ronal rests a hand on the man's shoulder.

"Eywa no! Juxco come back!" He yells and I flinch.

Why Juxco?


Every Metkayina stood hip deep in water as Juxcos father brought him out to the sea on the back of his Ilu.

Juxco is being buried with the Metkayina ancestors, out in the ocean.

Tuk and I held hands as we watched Juxcos father cry whilst he had to let go of his only child.

Navi sang softly to the side, wishing safe sanctuary for Juxco in the after life. Protection granted from Eywa, a life he deserves.

A tear fell down my cheek, falling into the ocean below. The ocean Juxco's body will live in now.

I looked over to Aonung and his family. Ronal and Tonowari stood in front of everyone, paying their respects to the fallen warrior.

Tsireya cried softly as Aonung comforted her, he had tears of his own but all he cared about was Tsireya. Roxto stood with them, tear stained face and puffy cheeks.

I spot Gyxka, Skaus and Zayv. Skaus and Zayv cried heavily where as Gyxka tried her best to stay strong. She failed.

Then I look at the Sullys who stood around me. Neteyam had tears welling in his eyes. Lo'ak and Kiri looked petrified. Jake and Neytiri held each other, glad the war was over but destroyed from the deaths that occurred.

Spider stood behind Kiri, trying to hide from the revengeful looks I gave him.

Navi can not turn into homes, they are ever changing, ever flowing. They will disappear with everything given to them. Still, a home does have a heartbeat.

Juxco felt like home to me, from the moment I first met him. His rough, fluffy hair, muscly build and adorable eyes. He didn't even know me and he offered to help me.

Juxcos first instinct was to help me.

Juxcos last instinct was to help me.

Juxcos father comes back on his Ilu, tears still streaming down his face as he cries softly. He looks back one last time, before saying bye to his son for the last time.


"He was so beautiful and kind, everyone would tell me how amazing he was and that I must have raised him so well," Juxcos father, Gelvu smiles. "But that boy taught himself everything."

Gelvu wanted to say a few words after he went to visit Juxco at the spirit tree. He also asked anyone who wanted to speak to please step forward.

Never before had I wanted to say so much, but said so little. Felt so much, but stayed so silent.

"Juxco was my whole life, my whole heart, and now he's gone," Gelvu cries. "I'm sorry, can someone else go?"

I immediately raise my hand, not wanting Gelvu to have to be in front of everyone any longer.

Gelvu walks away from the tree trunk he was standing on and I replace him. Once I'm standing straight I realise how many Navi there are.

"I'm Takara, Juxco was my first friend here on the island," I begin. "I have- hadn't known him very long but-,"

I pause.

"A wise Navi once told me 'it's okay not to be okay', that wise Navi was Juxco," I smile. "So please, if you don't feel okay, that's okay."

Gelvu smiles, before more tears fall down his damp face.

"Juxco is gone, but I thank him for all the soft, sweet things he left behind in my head, in my heart," My voice cracks.

The wind picks up behind me, pushing my hair off the back of my neck and I chuckle softly.

"Now I have to remember him longer than I knew him," A tear falls but I quickly wipe it away. 

I step off the branch and Gelvu runs up to me, engulfing me in a warm hug as he sobs onto my shoulder. I freeze at first, but then wrap my arms around the large man.

I feel Tuks small hands wrap around my legs as she joins the hug. Eventually more and more Navi join the hug, wrapping their arms around everyone.

"Thank you," Gelvu whispers.


Anyone else crying right now?
Like come on author, we know your really hot, funny, beautiful, smart, courageous, intuitive, creative, talented, brave, kind, skilled, breathtaking, sweet and humble but there was no need for that.
Also I have fake nails on so takes me forever to type sorry

What a beautiful clan?

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