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Takara's POV

My whole body felt limp as the pain from my thigh finally slipped away. It had been hours of agonising torture but Ronal and some other healers finally fixed me and the pain was dying down quickly.

I saw Navi praying to the side, on their hands and knees as they prayed to Eywa. For me, a forest freak.

"Takara, how do you feel?" Ronal asks as she brushes the hair away form my face.

I laid on my stomach, hands glued to my side and legs laying dead on the ground. My tail was curved around my torso but it didn't move either.

"I- I can't move," I whisper.

"That's perfectly normal you'll be able to move soon," Ronal pats my shoulder before walking towards Neytiri and Jake.

Now I just laid on my stomach, like a weak idiot.

"T!" Tuk cries as she runs towards me.

"Tuk careful!" Kiri yells.

Tuk kneels down next to me, hugging my body as tight as she can. It was nice.

"Careful you could be hurting her," Neteyam warns.

"I'm fine, can you please roll me onto my back?" I ask, tired of this position.

They roll me onto my back and feel relived, my thigh hurts slightly when it makes contact with the sand. It was wrapped in a bandage but the pressure hurt.

"Thank you," I smile at them.

Neytiri and Jake walk towards us and Ronal walks towards Aonung who was walking towards us. She stops him and point to his stomach, turning him around as they head back towards the village.

"Ronal said you need rest, and lots of it," Jake tells me and I nod.

"Let us get you back to the Mauri, you must be exhausted," Neytiri says sympathetically.

"Yes please," I chuckle softly.

I feel so tired, I don't know how I'm managing to keep my eyes open at the moment. I know as soon as we're in the Mauri I'll fall asleep.

"Do you need help?" Lo'ak asks.

"I'll try but stand by," I suggest.

Using all my strength I sit up, it feels so nice to sit. When I try to stand my thigh immediately spasms.

"A little help?" I ask, playing with the sand.

Jake and Neteyam each put an arm under my shoulder and pick me up effortlessly. We slowly walk back to the Mauri, i limp the entire way.

How annoying


"On guard!" Lo'ak yells.

Lo'ak and Tuk have been sword fighting with sticks. Lo'ak has won every round but Tuk is determined.

It's been a couple days since Aonung and I were lost at sea and injured. I can walk on my leg now, it feels much better. I can't run yet and Ronal forbids me from doing anything more than walking a couple paces.

Ronal checks on me everyday, it's nice. She tells me about all the drama happening in the village because she knows I won't tell anyone and in return I make sure Aonungs ego doesn't continue to grow. It's a good deal.

I haven't seen Aonung in days, apparently his wound only got worse because it wasn't attended to fast enough and it scabbed. They should've helped him first, not me.

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