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Every one parted ways, heading back to their homes after the funeral, back to their families. Gelvu was going back to no one.

His wife died giving birth to Juxco years ago. I only found out a couple days ago. I figured something happened to his mum because he never spoke to her. Juxco was all he had. I can't let him be alone.

"T you coming?" Neteyam asks.

"No," I shake my head, walking after Gelvu. "Gelvu?" I tap his shoulder.

"What?" He asks, wiping a tear away as he faces me. 

"I'd hate for you to go back to your Mauri alone, please come back with my family," I propose. "Or I can stay with you in yours?"

When my mother died I wanted nothing more than to never be alone again. I couldn't stand being by myself because it would give me time to think. Think about my mum. I had to preoccupy myself.

"Um, yes please," He sighs. "I don't really want to be alone."

"No problem, lead the way," I smile sympathetically.

As Gelvu turns around to walk back to his Mauri and I follow him someone grabs my arm, spinning me around.

The sadness from Juxco deaths was still so fresh, I felt like I could cry at any moment. But as Aonung stood in front of me I didn't feel sad. Only for a second though.

"What are you doing?" Aonung asks.

"I don't want Gelvu to be alone, I'm going to stay in his Mauri so he doesn't feel lonely," I explain and he nods his head.

"I'll come with you, just let me tell my mum," Aonung kisses my temple before running off.

My hand raises to my temple, touching it slightly as I feel a blush and smile break out onto my face.

"How did you manage to swoop the future Oley'ktan off his feet?" Gelvu chuckles.

"I didn-," I was about to protest when I realise Gelvu was smiling, his mind wasn't on Juxco. "It wasn't too hard."

I didn't even want to think about my mother when she died. Few Navi understood that, majority of them thought I wanted to hear about her every second. That just made me miss her more.

"I wouldn't of thought, Juxco tells me- told me how he rejected everyone," Gelvu corrects himself.

"You should use present tense, he's still here," I place a hand on his heart and Gelvu smiles.

"Juxco really liked you, said you were one of the nicest Navi he's ever met," Gelvu looks up to the sky.

"Really? Others say I'm mean," I cross my arms over my chest, smiling slightly.

"Juxco only saw the good in Navi," Gelvu looks back at me.

"He still does," I smile.

Gelvu nods his head, chewing on his bottom lip as tears formed in his eyes again.

"Got the all clear," Aonung walks up to us. "Hey Gelvu."

"Hey Aonung, are you both keeping me company?" Gelvu points at us.

"Of course."

"Shurbley durbley."

I slap Aonung in the stomach as soon as the words come out his mouth. He groans slightly, smiling through the pain.

"Thank you, but I have one request," Gelvu raises one finger.

"Anything," I smile.

"Please don't have sex in my Mauri," He scrunches his face up.


I laid on my side, facing the entry and exit of the Mauri and staring out at the night sky. The stars where so beautiful and perfect, they danced amongst each other like baby Ilus.

I couldn't see the stars from my Mauri in the forest because we were inside a mountain, so Xayk and I would fly out and look at the stars every night. Their gorgeous.

"Takara," Aonung whispers, tapping my shoulder.

I groan in response but he taps my shoulder again. We were laying on small mats near the exit whilst Gelvu laid in a hammock, sealed off by a privacy curtain.

He cried for majority of the night, only just stopping. I assume he's asleep now, I hope he sees Juxco.

"Takara," Aonung whispers, again.

I turn my head to face Aonung, rolling onto my back with my head tilted towards him.

"What?" I whisper.

"It was really nice of you to keep Gelvu company," He smiles.

"You realise your keeping him company too?" I raise a brow.

Aonung doesn't speak, he just stares at my face with a wide smile adorned on his.

"What?" I whisper.

"Your so beautiful," He moves closer, putting an arm around my waist and bringing me flush against him.

I blush, thankful for the darkness surrounding us. It was a cool night, a gentle breeze brushing past all the Mauris. But my entire body was on fire.


I can't be happy right now. Juxcos dead and it's all my fault. He's dead and I'm enjoying myself, I'm happy? What kind of friend am I- was I?

"It's all my fault," I whisper, sniffling slightly.

"What?" Aonung asks immediately.

"Juxco, I couldn't save him," My eyes water. "I should've gone with him, he'd still be alive if I did."

"Takara," Aonung whispers.

"No, don't," I shake my head, pulling away from him and rolling over.

Aonung grabs my shoulder, trying to roll me over so I'll face him again but I stayed still. Eventually he got annoyed and grabbed my arms, placing them on either side of my head as he rolled me onto my back and knelt over me.

"Takara it wasn't your fault, it never was and never will be," Aonung smiles.

"Yes it was, he went to save someone he didn't even know," I whisper. "For me."

"So? I'd do anything for you in a heartbeat, Juxco just wanted to help," Aonung attempts to reassure me.

"How can you even look at me right now, he was your best friend for years and he's gone because of me," I avoid eye contact.

"How could I not look at you?" Aonung whispers kissing my forehead.

I don't deserve this. I don't deserve him.

"I was with Juxco when he died, the last thing he said was 'don't cry at my funeral, don't wallow over my death, it is simply my time, no one could have known that nor prevented it'," Aonungs eyes glimmer.

It was weird. There is no light in Gelvu's Mauri. Yet as I stared at his eyes I saw them shine perfectly. Every time I look into his eyes I feel my self fall, but then he blinks, and when he opens his eyes again. I fall again.


"He was dying, I doubt he said all that," A tear slips from my eye.

"He stuttered it, took him a while but he got there in the end, and then he left peacefully," Aonung wipes the tear away from my cheek.

He leans down, kissing both my eyelids as I close my eyes. Aonung let's go of my hands and lays on his back, pulling me onto his chest as I fall asleep.


Okay bbg get ready for a time skip ✌️

How far will the time skip be?

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