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Aonungs POV

Takara laid on my chest as she slept soundly. I circled her back, as I stared at the grey sky. It was the next day and clouds adorned the usual blue sky. It's going to rain today.

But I didn't care.

How could I care when I had Takara's head laying on my chest, one of her legs over mine and no crease in her forehead.

She's always had a crease in her forehead because she's always stressed.

I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face as I realised who I was with right now. Never in a million years would I have thought Takara would willingly stand anywhere near me, let alone cuddle up to me.

I feel her beautiful eyelashes flutter and her fist clenched against my chest as she groans softly. The crease on her forehead appears again.

Her eyes flutter open, squinting as she tries to adjust to the light.

"Look who decided to wake up," I smile down at her and she briefly looks up at me, rolling her eyes as she chuckles.

She takes her leg off me and rolls onto her back, stretching as she yawns. I miss the warmth from her as soon as she leaves so I wrap my arms around her waist, burying my face in her neck and she laughs. I love her laugh.

"We need to get back to the village," Takara tries to push me off her but I just hold her tighter.

"Or we could just stay here like this?" I propose.

"They're probably wondering where we are," She rolls us over, sitting on my lap.

I smirk, resting my hands on her hips but she immediately takes them off, shaking her head.

"That's not what we're doing right now," She smiles.

I keep a straight face, just staring into her gorgeous eyes. I've never seen a Navi with her eyes before, they're stunning.

"Come on," She stands up, moving to the side so I can get up.

As I stand up she begins walking away but I grab her hand, interlocking our fingers and smiling at her.

Takara tenses at first and her ears stick out. But I notice them flatten as she sees me smile and relaxes more.

"I hate you," She mutters, rolling her eyes.

"No you don't," I smirk.

"Shut up," Takara mutters, turning the other way.


Takara's POV

It began to rain softly as Aonung and I made our way back to the village.

Loud war cheers caught our attention as we saw Tonowari, Ronal, Neytiri, Jake and other warriors returning on their Tsuraks.

Aonung and I share a knowing glance. We seperate our hands, walking away from each other. I spot Neteyam in the distance and walk towards him.

"What's happening?" I ask once I'm close enough.

"No idea, let's find out," Neteyam nods his head in the direction of where multiple Navi where gathered.

We squeezed our way to the front of the crowd, Ronal and Tonowari standing in the middle.

"My spirit sister and her baby have been murdered by the sky people!" Ronal yells.


Everyone exclaims angrily, scoffing and muttering.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now