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"Breathe in, breath out," Tsireya instructs as we all sit in a circle. "Imagine a flickering flame."

Today Tsireya wants to focus on our breathing so we can last under water for longer. Aonung said it's because we looked like fucking idiots yesterday.


I sat between Neteyam and Aonung, much to my demise.

Roxto was helping out but Aonung was just sitting there, staring at something in the distance. I've started to get to know Roxto and he seems much nicer than I initially thought.

"You must slow down your heart beat," She advises.

We all straighten our posture, copying her exact movements as we breath in carefully and out slowly.

Tsireya notices Lo'ak struggling and moves closer to him. She places her hands on his chest and stomach.

"Breath in," She instructs and he breathes in a deep breath. "Breath from down here, breathe out slowly."

She puts pressure on his waist and I could see Neteyam and Roxto smiling and smirking from the corner of my eye.

"Lo'ak, your heart beat is fast," she says softly, Lo'ak looking between her eyes and her lips.


"Sorry," he apologises.

"Try to focus," Tsireya smiles slightly.

"Ok," Lo'ak nods.

"Alright hands off," Aonung interferes, taking Tsireyas hands off Lo'ak.

"Brother," Tsireya warns and he shrugs.

"Should we split into the same groups we had yesterday? So that they have one on one help?" Roxto suggests to Tsireya, talking about us like we weren't there.

"That's a good idea," Tsireya smiles. "Come Lo'ak."

"Kiri, Neteyam your with me," Roxto smiles as they walk off


I quickly stand up, walking in the direction Tsireya and Lo'ak went. I don't want to ruin Lo'aks chances of spending time alone with Tsireya but I am not spending time with Aonung.

"T, your with me whether you like it or not," Aonung calls out, smiling as if he enjoys my annoyance.

"No, no, no, no," I shake my head.

"I don't want to be partnered with you either so can you stop being fucking difficult and just come here?" Aonung huffs, walking slowly after me.

"Not even a please? Do you have any manners?" I turn around to face him.

"Oh look, you've finally stopped walking away, now will you please just come here," He rolls his eyes.

"Only because you asked so nicely," I say sarcastically.

"Then follow me," He turns around, walking away.

I huff, shaking my head as I groan. Why him? Anyone could've been my partner and it had to be him.

I follow him though, walking as fast as I can to keep up with him. Why the fuck was he walking so fast?

"Where are we going?" I ask slowly, taking in our surroundings.

"There's no way I'm being seen alone with you in public so we're going somewhere more private," He explains and I stop walking instantly. "What now?"

"Somewhere private? You realise how you sound right?" I furrow my brows.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now