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"Juxco!" I call out again.

"Takara?" I hear him yell.

I make my way through the crowd, following the sound of his voice as he repeatedly called out my name, and I eventually found him.

"There you are," he smiles, grabbing my hand so we don't lose each other this time.

"Call me T by the way, not takara," I tell him and he nods his head.

"Sorry," he apologises and I wave him off assuring that it's ok.

"What kind of drinks do they have?" I ask a bit softer because we were further away from the music now.

"Um, alcohol, I don't know," he shrugs, scratching the back of his neck.

I roll my eyes, smiling as I pick up one of the bottles made from melted sand and coral. It had liquid in it so I poured it into a coconut.

Bringing it up to my lips I smelt it, immediately grimacing at the smell.

"Is it bad?" He asks.

"It smells bad," I smile, taking a long drink.

"Why'd you drink so much if it smells bad?" He asks confused.


"Have you ever drank before?" I ask slowly.

"Yea but they've never stunk," Juxco chuckles.

"How old are you?" I furrow my brows.

"17," he smiles.

"What?! I thought you were like my age," my jaw drops as I stare at him.

"I get that a lot," he giggles, drinking what I had.

He smiles at me before his gaze shifts to behind me and he waves at some Navi. He grabs my hand and drags me behind as we walk towards them.

"I want you to meet my friends," He says without looking at me.

There were three of them, two girls and one guy. They were all pretty tall, muscular and 1 of the girls looked so fucking scary. I recognised one of the guys, though I don't know where I've seen him before.

"Hey guys, this is T," Juxco stands behind me as he rests his hands on my shoulder.

"Hey," the girls smile at me.

"I'm Gyxka," The girl who looked scary at first reaches her hand out for me to shake. "I love you hair."

"Thank you," I smile slightly, not knowing how to take the compliment. "I love your top."

Whenever someone compliments me I was always feel the need to compliment them back. Return the favour.

"I'm Skaus," The other girl smiles at me.

I smile at her, nodding my head. She was very tall, taller than Juxco and had the longest hair I've ever seen.

"Are you all 16 as well?" I ask them.

"No, I'm 17 and Skaus and Koro are 18," she points to the other two.

"Oh okay, me too," I smile quickly, dodging eye contact. "I'm also 18."

"Hey where's the other 2?" Juxco asks, looking around.

"Roxto had to pee and Aonung was dancing with someone," Koro explains.


"Your friends with Aonung?" I whisper to Juxco and he nods his head.

"Yea he's really cool," He smiles down at me.

The Devils Hair is White | Aonung Where stories live. Discover now