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My Ilran Xayk ruffles slightly in the air as we approach High Camp. He could tell I was upset about what happened and I felt bad. Reaching out I stroked his head and he immediately felt calmer.

The war party and I had a successful mission but Neteyam was injured. He shouldn't of come with us, him or Lo'ak. Now Jake is pissed at everyone, it's fucking shit.

Xayk lands on the rocks inside the floating mountains and I jump off immediately, leaving my bow on his back.

"Mum!" Tuk calls out as she runs to Neytiri.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk," Neytiri mumbles, thankful to be back.

Lo'ak, Jake and Neteyam land with their ikrans, Jake hoping off of Bob whilst Neteyam slowly sinks his way off.

"Fall in," he says firmly, clearly pissed.


I pat Xayks head before walking over to him, wincing slightly as I get a closer look at Neteyams injuries.

"Your suppose to be spotters," Jake says firmly, finally turning around. "You spot bogeys and you call em in, from a distance!"

My ears flatten against my head at his raised voice. After 11 years of experiencing Jake Sullys raft I thought I'd be use to it.

"Dose any of this sound familiar? Get here!" He yells at Lo'ak who was a step behind Neteyam and I.

Kiri and Tuk walk towards Neteyam and Lo'ak, checking them for injuries.

"Jesus, I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders," he says firmly, clearly disappointed. "Takara you were doing what you were suppose to so, your fine."

Who's Jesus?

It's been a year since the humans came back, a year since my mum died as well. When I found out we won the war 11 years ago I was relieved.

Mum and I immediately built a Mauri with our new clan, the Omaticaya and they accepted us.

I was scared of Jake, lo'ak and Kiri at first because they had 5 fingers. 5 fingers have killed everyone I've ever loved in the past but once I realised their just Navi we all became great friends, siblings even.

When my mum died last year Jake and Neytiri insisted they take care of me. I have my own Mauri, the old one my mum and I had but I eat with them, cook with them, spend time with them.

I'm like a distant cousin I like to say, or Lo'ak likes to say.

He's such a skxawng

"Kiri can you go help your grandmother with the wounded? Please?" Jake looks to kiri who stands behind Neteyam.

"My brother is wounded," she points to Neteyam.

"It's fine," Neteyam mumbles.

"Baby girl please," Jake begs as Tuk checks Lo'ak for injuries. "Tuk go with her, go."

Jake is always so much kinder to his daughters than his sons. It pisses me off. Their all your kids, why treat half of them better?

"Dad- sir, I take full responsibility," Neteyam takes the blame, again.

"Yeah you do, that's right. Cause your the older brother you gotta act like it," Jake says harshly.

"Jake your his father, act like it," I stare him down.


"Ma Jake, your son is actually bleeding," Neytiri interrupts him.

"Mother it's fine I-," Neteyam says softly.

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